Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Top Public School Education (BEACON) VS. Top Private School Education (UNIS)

1. "Curriculum." (2010): 1. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
**The goal of assessment at UNIS is to support both learning and teaching through varied and balanced assessment practices
**Our goal is to train them to think critically, communicate effectively, take risks in learning, be open minded and reflective. Students are encouraged to develop an international perspective and an understanding of global issues.
**Lot of resources: there own online library and catalogue
_The Upper School library fiction section reflects the diversity of the school through its impressive collection of international literature and authors. The Library also maintains extensive French, Spanish and German language collections. Also unique to the UNIS Library are its extensive primary and secondary source collections on peace studies and on the United Nations.
The Upper School Library subscribes to 30 magazines in English, French and Spanish. In addition, the library subscribes to fifteen subscription databases that provide full text access to thousands of magazine and newspaper articles.
_Communication between the different constituencies at the school is enhanced by a portal web site. Technology is also used to communicate world-wide. UNIS LiveCast project which uses sophisticated video-conferencing equipment to connect UNIS students to other parts of the world.

KEY POINTS: Financial advantage allows then to more advanced curriculum and teaching instruments

2. "BEACON CURRICULUM ." (2010): n. pag. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
**Students select from semester-long electives such as: Literature & Media Theory, Literature and the Human Condition, War Literature, Shakespeare, Hip Hop and Literature, Contemporary British Literature, Advanced Theatre Workshop, The Philosophical Journey, and Writing Your Own Story. The PBA is an independent research paper/literary analysis using a social, historical, cultural, or personal lens and a creative portfolio. Students must pass all four years of English.
**Students select from semester-long electives such as: Constitutional Law, The Global Cold War, the History of New York City, Gettysburg, India from Independence to Information Technology, Modern Chinese History, International Political Economy, Modern American Foreign Policy, Reel-to-Real: Can and Should We Learn History from Movies? and 20th Century American Social History.
** Chemistry, Evolution and Genetics, Immunology, Integrated Science, Physics, Seminar, Topics in Biochemistry, Tropical Ecology, AP Chemistry, and AP Biology, The PBA is a research paper
**Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Math Applications, AP Calculus.
**Students may select from: Advanced Digital Film, Studio Art Honors, Advanced Photography, Photo Black & White,Capoeira, Choreography, Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Digital Film, Design Studio, Percussion, Guitar/Song Writing, Music Theory, Digital Photography, Studio Art, Studio Art Honors, Hip Hop/Jazz, Drama Production, Musical Production, and Theatre Ensemble.
** Beacon juniors and seniors can take classes at New York University, Hunter College, John Jay College, and Fordham University.

3. "NYC Department of Education ." (2010): 1-30. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
New York State High School Graduation Requirements differ depending on the year a student first enters 9th grade. Students can obtain a Graduation Requirements card from their Guidance Counselor. The cards outline the credits, Regents examinations, and scores required for high school graduation. Graduation Requirements cards are color-coded and dated to correspond to the year of initial entry into 9th grade. The cards are intended to help students and parents, in consultation with the school counselor, determine how many credits, the distribution of credits by subject area, and the scores required on the Regents Exams to receive a local, Regents, or Advanced Regents diploma. A Diploma Requirements Worksheet can help track student academic progress throughout high school.

_what makes a great school? what works vs. what fails?
_who sets the standards? if they were more challenging how would that be different from how they are now?
_do we get away with too much too early off in life?