Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Homework #13 - FEED B

Art is a very vague word, it can be interpreted in numerous ways and in many mediums. Artists who make art to be seen by an audience is often very significant to the creator, they create something that they think will have a positive reaction but will also be very inspirational. However some art is not as thoughtful and is just well... kinda just a painting or just a pencil drawing. Many are extremely self conscious and never want to show off their work. There is really no right answer about what art is, its a very personal thing and depends on a person to person bases. I think art is created to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences that have been significant in the creators life. I feel people who create art because they just love it, becomes the most honest in the end. I liked the quote that was given at the end of the homework assignment by Bert Brecht "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it. I interpreted the quote in this way; i felt he was saying that art does not show the reflection of the artist, it is not obvious and has to be searched for. The hammer is a strong tool that can break and ruin something very easily, possibly shattering a piece making it seem that many more ways.

Feed is not normally what i would call art but after thinking about how undefined art is, i see the book in a new light. M.T. Anderson wrote his book with an audience in mind and he had a very controversial topic to write about. The meaning has to be searched for but he sends out a bold message, our society and the people living in it are being brainwashed, he represents through conflict and characterization how our society is being taken over by the the digital world. It is an allegory, referring to our lives in this century but showing what is would have been like in the future. I am not sure if i even truly understand the book but this was the right class to take, if we wanted to take a stab at finding meaning in the book. I though M.T. Anderson was very clever in writing the book. To attract a certain audience he used similar lingo and situations that were relatable to our generation, it was clear that is was targeted to teenagers. He did a good job not only showing the effect it had on kids out age but the repeating cycle we are sucked into, the feed will never stop!

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