Thursday, March 11, 2010

HOMEWORK 44 - What is school all about??

While watching the speech Obama made, these were some of the points.questions and thoughts i made: they are very unorganized
advanced placement class automatically means ur smart?
we are given so many oppurtunities but it is a personal choice to take advantage of them
there is this idea that we must go to school to have a sucessful future
responsinily come hand to hand with education
teachers nd parents should push us
we should set high standards
nothing will matter unless the student will make it happen
but what happens if they dont have that support
"every single on of you has something your good at, its your responsibility to figure out what that is"
they will never know unless they experiment
"no matter what you want to do with your life i gaurentee you will need a education to do it, you can not drop out of school nd just drop into a good job you."
"what we are learning in school now will determine wether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future"
critical thinking skills
make it more fair nd more free
if u quit on school ur not just quiting on ur self your quiting on ur country
sense of pressure put on us to beable to lead the country
do we need education to change our country? why cant we all get together nd march for our rights
we should set our own goals
what probelm are we gonna solve
what discovers are we gonna make

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have a lot of memories from my early days at school, some good but the ones that stand out to me the most are the ones that were more traumatizing than anything. I remember when I first started pre-k every morning I would either be dropped off by my mother or one of my dads students (he was like a babysitter) I cried every morning because i didn't want to leave them, and every morning the teacher would make me sit in a big blue chair in the corner of a room until I stopped. No one was aloud to come over and take to me. At that age I'm not sure how I felt but looking back on it was like a prison, the experience was completely new to me I had been around a nurturer for the better beginning of my life and being isolated by complete strangers only made me feel more alone. My mother decided to take me out of school until I eventually started 1st grade at the local public school near my house called P.S 234. I remember the first day of first grade i surprised my mom with the fact that i could tie my won high top converse! she was shocked and could not figure out where i had learned it from, and to be honest i don't know where i learned it either. I remember my two best friends growing up were Marlon and Taro we had went to that horrible preschool together and before we were born our parents had been friends. I was a complete tom boy growing up! i would never wear a dress, was never interested in playing house or pertending to run my own class (playing teacher) i didn't grown up with barbies, instead i born with a giants jersey on (thanks to my dad). I was one of the boys i remember always getting in trouble because we would always sit in the back of the rug. At that age we found everything funny there was not a lot the teachers could do we were always in trouble and eventually got separated. I am still pretty close with them to this day, thinking back i had so many memories when i was older i started becoming close with other people. I find it very interesting how you change and become a different kind of person depending on who you surround yourself with... that leads me to think we never truly know who we really are!