Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have a lot of memories from my early days at school, some good but the ones that stand out to me the most are the ones that were more traumatizing than anything. I remember when I first started pre-k every morning I would either be dropped off by my mother or one of my dads students (he was like a babysitter) I cried every morning because i didn't want to leave them, and every morning the teacher would make me sit in a big blue chair in the corner of a room until I stopped. No one was aloud to come over and take to me. At that age I'm not sure how I felt but looking back on it was like a prison, the experience was completely new to me I had been around a nurturer for the better beginning of my life and being isolated by complete strangers only made me feel more alone. My mother decided to take me out of school until I eventually started 1st grade at the local public school near my house called P.S 234. I remember the first day of first grade i surprised my mom with the fact that i could tie my won high top converse! she was shocked and could not figure out where i had learned it from, and to be honest i don't know where i learned it either. I remember my two best friends growing up were Marlon and Taro we had went to that horrible preschool together and before we were born our parents had been friends. I was a complete tom boy growing up! i would never wear a dress, was never interested in playing house or pertending to run my own class (playing teacher) i didn't grown up with barbies, instead i born with a giants jersey on (thanks to my dad). I was one of the boys i remember always getting in trouble because we would always sit in the back of the rug. At that age we found everything funny there was not a lot the teachers could do we were always in trouble and eventually got separated. I am still pretty close with them to this day, thinking back i had so many memories when i was older i started becoming close with other people. I find it very interesting how you change and become a different kind of person depending on who you surround yourself with... that leads me to think we never truly know who we really are!

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