Monday, April 12, 2010


Anne Parker wakes up to start her first day at work, she looks through her closet but her choices very limited she decided to wear the newest grey suit out of her collection. She walks over to her vanity does her makeup and adds the sting of delicate pearls around her neck. She locks the door to her apartment walks to the subway to get to work. It is her first day teaching the 10th grade at a public school in the middle of the city, but more importantly her first day as teacher. She cant help but be nervous, she does not know what to expect. From the look of the things most would assume she looks like the average white American women, most would think she grew up in a stable household in the suburbs with a white picket fence... a brother, maybe a sister and a dog.

Walking into the school the first person she interacts with is her boss the principal who gives her a few words of advice. Anne is not sure how to take the advice given should she run with it or be scared. She is escorted to her classroom, walks in takes a few minutes to look around and get comfortable before the students come in she writes her names up on the dry erase bored... 10 minutes pass she takes one final deep breath and opens the door for her students. Chaos immediately fills the room, Anne is not sure how to handle it. students come in screaming exchanging hugs and kisses, some banging on the desks, some decide to jump on top of the tables breaking out i song. Its the first day back everyone is excited to see their friends. Anne lets the excitement continue for 5 minutes before she attempts to get the students attention. the first few attempts fail miserably, she begins to panic but she does not wanna let the kids see the fear in her eyes. Sitting in the very front of the class room are a group of students waiting to begin what the came to school for.... learn. Anne regathers her self and begins to take a different approach in stead of trying to get everyone attention and wasting time she begins to introduce herself to the few that are listening. little does everyone know she is probably able to relate to most of the students on a more personal level than most other teachers. She decides to take a different approach and let the students come to her rather than forcing them to conform when they dint want to! Anne suddenly gets a confidence boost and says to herself in her head i will get these kids respect. She begins to tell the few students sitting in the front about herself and decides to completely ignore the ones that are giving her trouble.

Weeks go by and things begin to get a little better but there are still a few students giving her trouble, she is still putting up with the students disobedience because she knows the deeper issues going on better than most might think. She begins to come into school dressing a little less conservative, Anne knows that the more relatable she is with them the more respect she will earn. she begins to open up more about her life and the struggles of have two drug addicted parents, living in foster homes, she tries to relate to their lives. she was just like one of them when she went to school and is not knew to the game. After a long day of work she goes home sits and thinks about why she really was so scared the first day on the job, she realizes that she was living her school days experience through the other kids, at first it was a little scary but she realizes she can have control over the students eventually. She does not want her students to be scared of her, her goals are to be able to create a place where they look forward to coming to everyday .

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