Monday, December 7, 2009

HW # 28 Informational Research...

This website seemed to be dedicated to enlightening men on how to be "cool" with the ladies. From the looks of the information on the site i assume that the audience it was targeted to is towards middle aged men who are lonely and have extremely low self esteem. What i found interesting about the site was that they made connections that were not obvious, they referred to the story of Adam and Eve, the idea that we are all a forbidden fruit. For a guy, women prove to be competition for men and that sense of wanting a women that other men want is a challenge. At the end of the day who ever can awe the women feel accomplished and feels "cool". We all want what we can't have, men want women that they know will be hard to win over... guess that's part of the thrill. How many times do we walk the street and either see women getting hit on, or are the ones getting hit on? i wonder how many of those times the men are hoping to start a life long relationship or just get with the girl, with the intention of hooking up and just having sex! All in all i think it has to do with the amount of confidence in a person, people who are confident are normally the center of attention, they just have what everyone wants which makes them "cool" by most people. if you don't care what others think that is also considered to be "cool" because then you must automatically be your own person.

According to this website being called "cool" is the "hippest" statement that a teenage can recieve... kinda sad that thats pretty much all we care about. But most teenagers would be lying if they said they didn't care what others thought of them. The same response always comes out when asked why are you "cool"? Most say because they are different, and have there own style. but how different can we all be? Everyone is influenced by some group someone else. Through out this unit that is something that has still to be answered, why do we care about being so cool? The idea does not make a whole lot of sense to me, how did this sense of the "cooler" you are the more power you have. Having friends has become more of a competition in this case, quantity is more important that quality :( the first example that comes to mind is facebook, it keeps of tracks of all your activity when your online, counting the number of friends you have. MOst of the people on you list you have met at a party once but u add them because hey thats one more "cool" point for you!

‘Cool’ chicks are in total control of her self, emotions communication and behavior in all situations. She has a great attitude, an awesome self-image, a high confidence level, great personality and is extremely emotionally mature. ‘Cool’ chicks set positive emotional tones with men that somehow creates a positive mood within the man. ‘Cool’ chicks create an atmosphere that men are totally drawn to.These ‘cool’ chicks, it’s like they are born naturals. There’s something that we can all learn from the ’cool’ chicks and it’s all about knowing and learning how to respond to men the RIGHT way. This is what men like! this website gives you how to guide to being a "cool" chick!!

Homework #27 - Informational Research - Interviews and Surveys

Stranger 1: Casey (a very strange man!)
What do you think is cool?
"I think spirituality is cool."
Who's cooler, the pope or the president?
"Obama. He's not pretentious, he's real, he's honest, and he doesn't make empty promises."
What do you think is cool about yourself?
"I'm 58 years old, and I can still play ball. I am a Surrogate Father. I lived with seven sisters, and my mom, and I was the only boy. Also, I have lived through two occasions where I was supposed to be dead. I got stabbed in September, 1973, when I was seventeen. And I survived a gun shot. I was saved because of the luck of a priest."

Stranger 2: A women working at AA (American Apparel): Arista (we tried to take a picture of her, but her boss told us we couldn't)
What do you think of as cool? Like clothes, cell phones, style, materialistic things?
"Clothes are pretty cool I guess."
What do you think is cool about yourself, if you think of yourself as cool?
"I'm all over the place, and crazy. I like myself. I'm weird cool."
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about popularity, and coolness?
"I have a whole bunch of magazines I'm always looking at to see what's in."
Who is "cool" to you?
"I watch a lot of Nickelodeon things. I think Sam from I-Carly is cool. She has her own style, she's girly but she's not really girly. She's different."
Do you spend more time now trying to be cool, or did you spend more time trying to be cool in high school?
"In high school I didn't really care what was cool. I guess I spend more time trying to be cool now."

Stranger 3: Nia (she was on the corner of PAX handing out coupons for free drinks for a new burger place that just opened)
Who do you think is cool?
"I think anyone who is original, with their own sense of style is cool. "
Who is cooler, the pope or the president?
"The pope is cooler." Really? Why? "The pope is cooler because he just chills and gets money. He could be at a strip club right now, and no one would know it."
Do people consider you to be cool? Do your friends consider you cool?
"I think my friends think I'm cool."
Do you think your friends are cool?
"No, not really. Not a lot of them."
What about your friends do you think is cool?
"We have our own inside jokes, and we understand each other."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Homework #26 - Photos and Questions

Emma (Best friend!)
Where do you go to school?
In 9th grade i was at Poly prep, but that got old really fast, the last three years i have been at beacon.
Do you like it better?
I love Beacon, when i was at Poly i felt very sheltered and trapped in an environment that i kinda forced myself to be. Private school was not for me, at beacon everyone was a lot more interesting and i did not feel like i had to put up a front. I dressed the way i liked, i immediately found a group of people that like the same things as me, it was a huge adjustment but one for the better.
What do you do for fun?
If I'm not hammered with work I am on my guitar or listening to music! You know how much music means to me. I love to go to concerts. During vacations i stay in Vermont at my other house skiing and snowboarding.

Marie (Other best friend for CT, Interview done over AIM)
Do you consider yourself to be "cool"?
Ha are these yes or no questions? or like explanation? ummm, idk I'm happy with my friends, get good grades, go out on weekends, and have alota friends so i guess, but its not like I'm concerned with being cool
What is being "cool" mean to you?
Well growing up in New York and moving to CT when i was 11 made me realize that a new yorkers version of what "cool" is, is totally different that what someone from CT considers "cool". We wait to get our cars because we are tired of our parents dropping us off and picking us up, the coolest hang out spot is the movie theater down town or the mall where we shop at overly priced name brand store like AE or Holister. When i visit you, we can take the subway anywhere there is always something to do and everyone stands out in some way or another because of their style. They just command attention because you can just tell there from New York!