Friday, January 22, 2010

Homework#36 - Triangle comments

From reading you paper it seems to be that the main point of your paper is that nobody can really be "cool" it is more a state of mind and an endless, pointless chase that can not be caught. why do we ultimatly care about being cool? where did that idea come from? That is what i got from the first part of you paper so far.... am i right? Cool is just an idea that we have in out heads and it becomes a bigger issue when gender is attached. Men have a different senes of what is cool that a women does visa versa. I think it would be interesting if you explored based on what we have talked about in class, do you think sterotypes have effected out perception of "cool"? just a thought maybe you could ass it somewhere in your big paper. Are you planning on keeping the questions in your paper i kinda like them it keeps the reader thinking almost forcing them to come up with some of there own ideas. I like the second point you are making that "cool" is automatally assocsiated with being popular, noticed or being copied and followed. Good point but i feel you could add some more insight about why you feel that is. Might be a tough question but why are things precived to be "cool",cool? who decided? Do you think we care about being cooler now than we did years back, i know you are supposed to focus on present day especially our generation but it might be kind of interesting to add a little bit about the change from a few years ago compared to today. how have teenagers changed?

good start!!! :) hope this is helpful to you...

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