Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW #2 - 25 Questions Personal/Political

1. Name: Francesca Taylor
2. Section: C3
3. Birthdate: December 8th 1992
4. Neighborhood: Tribeca
5. Favorite musicians: Kings of leon, Radiohead, The gossip, Asher Roth, Kid Cudi, Lil wayne, Moby ( too many to name but I listen to all kinds.)
6. Favorite films: Crash
7. Favorite books: Running with scissors
8. 3 students you already know and like in this section: Stephanie A, Binta B, Nora A
9. Main things you do when not at school: Hangout with my friends
10. Average daily amount of time you use for TV-IMin-/websurfing/social networking (Facebook)/videogames (in hours) – please specify hours per day for each form: of electronic stimulation.
TV- 3-4 hours
Phone - 2-3
Texting-All day
Computer - 4-5
(Consider the fact that I will be doing many of these at the same time)
11. Guardians’ names and what they do for a living or an interesting hobby:
Lynn Foss - Graphic designer
Fred Taylor - Film producer and director
12. Favorite teachers from SOF and why:
Rob- very patient and I learned a lot, I can go to him with a lot of my problems
Cricket- I was never bored in her class she was an amazing teacher
Deb- was able to keep everyone on take and everyone respected her
13. The 3 main reasons, in order of importance, that you come to school:
1st: Friends
2nd: To learn
3rd: Because I have to!
14. List 1-3 talents you have (e.g. trombone)
meeting new people
15. What’s one of the main questions you think about intellectually?
16. Your email address: tribeca92@nyc.rr.com
17. Your cell phone # (or home phone) 917 533 2219
18. Your guardians’ phone numbers and email addresses:
home phone: 212 227 1343
19. Are there very good reasons to avoid bothering your family unless necessary? no
20. What are your academic strengths? writing
21. What are your academic weaknesses? reading and test taking
22. Why did you sign up for this course (or if you did’t, why did you sign up for what you signed up for, and how upset are you)? I enjoyed last years class and i felt i was able to take a lot away.
23. What are a few interesting ideas you have about the digital/electronic environment of teenagers in NYC today?
Our lives are based around everything digital
We use it as a way to make situations in out daily lives less awkward
24. What are a few interesting ideas you have about the tendency of people to make masks for themselves for daily life – do you think most people are masked even to themselves?
25. What are a few interesting ideas you have about how school has shaped how you see the world?
Specifically this class has opened my eyes to think harder and deeper about obvious topics that are not paid much attention to.

1 comment:

  1. Please remove the private info and spambait, such as your fullname.

    Heck, just delete the post (if you've already emailed me the answers).
