Sunday, September 13, 2009

HW assignment #3: Thoughts on the Digital world (1st blog post)

When I think about the term "digital" many thoughts come to mine, I think; computers (facebook, myspace and AIM), cell phones, television and just about everything we come across in our everyday lives. To be honest I never questioned how the digital media effected my life, I never thought much of it and just accepted it for what it was. Every since I was little I always had some sort of new "gadget" that was the new and hot thing, 10 years ago it was the huge and heavy black and white game boys or the classic CD player. Today i can safely say we have come a long way! Just 24 hour later of being introduced to the topic in class, i was able to make a embarrassing yet very relevant connection to how the overwhelming influence of "everything digital" had directly effected my life. In Emily Birdens room Binta and I discovered it was not as easy to set a clock as we expected. I was the first to take it off the wall before i realized i did not actually know what i was doing. It took about 7 trys, 15 minutes, Ms. Cole and Emily trying to explain to us how to operate this thing, and countless laughs and looks of astonishment to set the clock to exactly 2:57. I don't remember being taught how to tell time in first grade and the only watch i ever owned was a Baby-G which was digital as well. This really made me pause and think! How is the digital world effecting our education, and how bad is it gonna get? Seems like technology is being more and more advanced every second of everyday. Most of us feel lost and just panic if they forget the cell at home or god-forbid the cable box is out! We freak because we have not been trained to adapt any differently. we wonder how people were able to survive with out any of those crucial items, but the truth is we did it and not even that many years ago (computers were just becoming a hot item on the market in the 90's, you used to be able to pick from a variety of bubble-gum colored I Macs that weighed about 50 pounds.)


  1. hey Francesca well right off im going to say how digital world has changed how people not only see it but it is changed there lives is great i mean i really dont remember ever sending a letter in my life and how letters is now done threw the mail systeam are mostly advertisment or bills also i never got i letter really. no i did it was mt uncles idea for us to think that my grand ma was mailing us letters from the dead. any way i like how you showed how this all changed not really sure for the better i mean it is convient for you not to have to walk to a mail box but your out side and your right this convince is cause alot of things that were cruial to knowing (like to read a clock) do you feel this convinance has created it self to be more important then it really is? if people continue with this convince driven life styles how much more do you feel will be forgotten? i for instance cant do long divsion i never learned and now i use computers to do that for me also to spell for me if it can do that. oh and there is a law called moores law i think it says that computer power doubles every year. so your feeling every second is pretty acurrate. so great job i really got you perceive on this and i dont know lets see if people could survive lets take a bunch of people and trow them in a forest and see how it goes

  2. I think its a great thing that during the whole post you kept on realizing new things and wondering how/if it would affect you.

    I like that you are addressing what tis is doing to todays generation and how it started early back in the 90's when we were all small, that is interesting to think about. Its almost like we were taught to need digital things in order to function.

    I rememebr wanting a gameboy so badly when I was young, I don't remember the grey one you mentioned but I remember when they made countless upgrades after that and I rememebr wanting each and everyone of them, even though they are all the same thing.

    Do you think its a bad thing that you never really learned how to tell time manually? How would you fix that? Do you want to fix that? I think you should talk more about a change in habbits.

    I feel that there are some people who are much more digital than others. I think its also laziness. Being digital makes everything so easy.

    This was interesting, I like your ideas.

  3. Jacara,
    Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment on it. You are very good at making the writer feel like they brought up some interesting points. You made it clear that you for the most part understood the points I was trying to make, by re-stating them in your own words. I liked how you challenged my thinking by asking me a few questions and I found your suggestion about how you would like me to talk more about "change in habits" helpful. I am not proud of the fact that I am only able to read from a digital clock but I do think it proves a point about how bad the influence of the digital world has on our lives. what is even more interesting is the fact that we do not think about it unless we are forced to. Before we started talking about this idea of "digital" I did not realize the affect it was having on me. Because we don't take the time to think and realize the negative affects we don't do anything to stop the ongoing trend.

  4. Ian,
    I enjoyed reading your comments and what you had to say about what I wrote. I liked how you restated some of my ideas in your own words to let me know you understood what i was talking about. I also appreciate that you asked me some questions in hopes to further my thinking. You used a good example that i myself did not think of, which was how receiving letters is a very rare occurrence now a day. Still to this day i always ask my mom is i get any mail cause its exciting to feel kinda special for a moment, all that comes seems to be bills, bills and more bills, where as most of what i receive is via email. I really liked your idea of taking away everything "digital" from a group of people and throwing them in the woods as an experiment to see how well they adapt. My prediction based on how i think i would react would be to freak out and lose it. Thanks again for reading! :)
