Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homework #24 - Short story

I woke up that morning to start my senior year, not sure if i was excited or more nervous. Summer of 09 was a crazy one, maybe a little more than I bargained for. Mom and dad had been on business trips all summer leaving my brother and I home alone. I never thought i would be saying this, but i feel like we might have had a little too much freedom, partying every night having no one to tell me "no". I had already had the reputation of being the "rich girl' attending public school i stuck out a little bit, my clothes were nicer, nails always polished, i guess you could just tell. Something seemed to attract all the attention, although i liked all the attention, it was beginning to become a hard job. I was constantly the source of gossip, it felt as if i was always being followed by eyes i barley knew. I didn't know how much more or this i was willing to take.

My parents had never really been on my ass about anything, i have always been a good student so u guess they thought they had nothing to worry about. I opened up the double doors of school took a deep breath and braced myself for the year to come, it was senior year! i was supposed to be excited but something in my heart changed, i was greeted by everyone, my pack of friends automatically followed behind me offering to hold my bag while i walked the halls greeting everyone all the boys lined up in from of their lockers waiting for out cheeks to touch, I could here freshman whispering about "that girl" i guess they were talking about me. I tried to keep a smile on my face the whole time, but i was finding it harder than usual.

The first week of school everyone was exchanging stories of their crazy summer, what they did, where they went, hookups, the basics. Everyone had heard of the numerous parties that had happened at my house they were excited for what was to come. a few more weeks had gone by everyone was talking about college, i was trying to juggle my social life as well as my school work it was more important than ever to keep up all the work i had put in during my high school years, i had my college list final, i had just begun writing my essays and all of my teachers were in the process of writing recommendations letters for me.

I had to make a choice between what I knew was right and the reputation i felt i had to withhold, being cool, being popular was to what seemed like the whole world the most important thing. Why is it that the one person, me who didn't want all this fame got it. Weeks had gone by my friends seemed to be drifting away i didn't feel like the life of the party anymore, which was a good this. The only parties at my house were my brothers, all his upper east sider friends would come over, i guess they expected to see me but i spend most of my time in my room by myself. The group of friends that used to trail behind me began to dwindle down. For the first time i felt truly free, i realized that the past three years my "friends" didn't even know much about the person behind the good looks, money and partying ways. I felt a sense of disappointment from not only the people i went to school with but from all of my other friends. I finally realized that all this was not worth it. I am finally happy with the person i am because its not all an act.

1 comment:

  1. Francesaaa

    I really liked your story. I liked how you explained how the main character wanted to more of an individual and keep to herself instead of being the popular one which i believe was the "cool" part. It showed the two different cools, the appearance of cool and the cool within you. Great Story! =)
