Monday, November 23, 2009

Homework #25 - Story Comments and Analysis

I really enjoyed reading your short story, i got the sense that you were trying to portray a girl in high school that fit the "cool" status by acting like a bitch, she took advantage of a boy that was struck by her good looks and charm, he himself was trying to fit the "cool" status by being the lucky one to get with her. Although he was also trying to up his "cool" status he played the innocent victim who got tricked by being too nice. He was very emotional towards her and didn't play a dominant role letting her use him. I really liked your story and it stuck out to me more than the other ones because it was very relatable, we all know that trick and many of us have probably used it before for some reason or another. GOOD WORK!

Good job nice story! Its interesting how people have very different ideas of what it means to be "cool" like some of the other stories i have read your is very relatable, i think everyone has at a point in like where they felt like a loser when next to someone that exuded wealth and beauty. Although many think being rich is cool, there are many cases where overcoming a struggle is cooler why do you think that is? Btw thanks for leaving a comment on my story! :D

Good story kareem, it was very straight to the point. Sounded like the boys liked all the attention it was new feeling therefore it was exciting and easy to fall into. Sounded like the type of character to get a little too confident for his own good, if the story continued i bet he would be the one to lose all his popularity because people just got sick of him. Id this story supposed to be about you? lol do you consider your self to be "cool"?

I thought your story represented you very well. cause u like sneakers and talk about them a lot, plus you wrote in complete dialogue with one of your best friends. good job i liked it a lot. :D

Your character was in her owns ways different from the other characters i have read so far. At first she seemed intimidated to enter a new school (but who wouldn't be) but i admire her for that fact that she still was able to stay true to the person she was back in California. The fact that she was the "new girl" alone probably intrigued the students but the fact that she seemed straight up and interesting helped also. :)

While reading the stories there were overall similarities in most of them, they were either very predictable (including mine) or Cliche. Most of us associate being "cool" with popularity the more friends, the more parties, the more boys, the more gossip...To me it almost seems that we want to be talked about whether its good or bad its still attention. Many of the characters seem to enjoy keeping up with their reputation; the loser that turns cool, the rich kid, from struggle to success these were all common repeating characters each stories situation was just a little different. I am wondering how we got to the point where this is our definition of cool? what does cool matter? why do we care so much about what people think? I don't remember every being told this is what is "cool" and this is what's "not cool" and somehow i seem to be just as bad and judgemental as everyone else. weird how things work out...

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