Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 52

Let me first say that i am very excited to start a new unit.. this ones actually seems to be somewhat interesting! I am hoping that i will gain some new insight on the topic, and the class discussions in class will be more like last year. So why and how do humans do what we do -- in the sense of all relationships. I think humans in general are extremely self conscious people, i think we are all out to please and make other people happy. I don't think there is any one type of way a person acts, different people bring out different personalities out. How natural is this? I almost feel as if we do not create our own character and personalities but allow everyone else to be the determining factor for why we act the way we do (or play a certain role). we are in a never ended acting class, its a little bit scary if you think about it. For example we plan what we say before we meet new people potentially we are handed an exact script, but as the relationship changes with the person you just met so does the script that we need in order to deal with the situation given. I feel very strongly that human need constant social contact no matter what we will always need people around, we like people; maybe not all the time but most of the time we don't want to be alone and crave attention wether it be positive or negative. We want people to see us for who we are so that they in turn like us and continue to want to be around us, but how to we determine "who we are?" hopefully we will explore this further.

When i think about relationships we seem to put on a face for two different social groups, one our family and how we act around them and two our friends and how we act with them. I feel friendships are based on what people have in common with eachother. When people have best friends, those are the people that you enjoy to spend time with, you go over their house, go to lunch with, share you secrets and gossip to, play favorite games or sports, the list goes on. Are friends in school different that ones outside of school? The type of friend that helps you with your hw or do projects with eachother. And the other type of friendship where you only say hi or bye to eachother. You don't really say much to eachother, or maybe once in a while say how you doing or ask you a question about something thats not thats not that important. And lastly, there is the child hood close friend. Thats the human relationship where they know everything about eachother and they tell eachother secrets. I feel it is almost inpossible to judge other peoples realationship and weather or not they are genuine and meaningful, nowadays it seems as if people and different groups of friends value there friendship.

Family is the people people that love you the most, care for you the most, protect you the most, and make sure that they are always there when you are down.Different people could agree or disagree the phrase "Family comes before everything", that is because they do or dont have a strong a bond with eachother. The family memebers are the ones who know your weaknesses and your strengths. Is this why when you always see familys come together on special holidays to celebrate? is it because they want to or they are forced to? Besides the gifts and everything, its to show their appreciation for one another and to show their love with one another and have a good time. Family is known to be top priority but what is to say that friends cant be family???

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