Thursday, May 6, 2010


While taking this survey at first i was not really sure what to think. I just started answering the questions very quick and casually not really giving them that much thought because i saw how many questions there were and to be honest i just wanted to get it done. As i read on the questions began to hit closer to home and stared to become very personal, i began to actually consider what was being asked and apply each of the situations to my life. I was surprised by some of my own answers and it slowly made me really analyze the relationships i have with my family. I didn't realize i felt as distant as i do. It was a wake up call in a sense, i have never been very comfortable talking to my parents about anything even though i know they will be accepting and are some of the least judgemental people i know. Seems like my relationship with my parents should be picture perfect but in reality its far from it. i wonder myself what happened in life to make my parents and my relationship the way it is. I feel as though they think they are closer than we really are and that's a little scary, is it possible they have too much trust in me? I was able to take some time and actually think about my family and friends and my beliefs on the matter, which for a majority of the people is very sensitive. I feel like I answered all of the questions honestly because i knew it was anonymous and in the mean time I was able to learn more about myself. The questions that made me stop and think were the ones about my family. Overall i enjoyed taking the survey!

There were many results that caught my eye after looking over the results of the survey i found it very interesting the amount of people said they had seriously thought about suicide 17 people answered that is had once been a thought. That shocked me cause for the most part when the questions asked about their relationship with family and friends few had very negative things to say. Most people associate being happy with having the love and support of close family and good friends so why were so many people so unhappy that they had thought to take there life. humans are incredibly social creatures but how much of having friends and family keeps a person happy? Although society paints a very clear picture for the "perfect" family no one will ever have one, every family is dis functional in their own way, i find it so interesting how relationships with whole family differ. this a topic that i am excited to explore. Based on the survey most of us also seem to feel that friends play a huge role in their lives, some even think that close friends over rule family, i can see where people come from saying that, not all of us feel close enough to confide in parents or relatives but friends are somehow more trust worthy. is there a right way to handle any type of relationship????

The survey that we had taken got personal at some points but they were still questions that could be answered pretty easily. However the other surveys were more focused and specifically asked questions about a certain area, the formal surveys were about "teen health" and a topic that most people our age can somehow relate to, sex and relationships. The informal survey we had to take was easy to get through and thought provoking for the most part, the survey we had to take focused on a couple of different categories: friends, family, the world, politics and there were a few short answers,. The two surveys were from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and The national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). These are more like facts, and looked totally different than the survey we took in class. The one we took in school seemed more personal, while those surveys seemed more factual and not based as much on peoples take on the issue. This is a personal example of how researching can be really impersonal and most of the time it does not really mean the same thing as what it appears to be on paper.

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