Saturday, May 15, 2010

HW 56

1) Questions:
What is a healthy relationship?
How important is communication in a relationship? (pros and cons)
What is considered and unhealthy relationship?
What do you consider to be an "abusive" relationship?
Why do you think people in "abusive" relationships choose to stay in them for so long?

Healthy Relationship
Person 1:
Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. You can have a healthy relationship with anyone in your life, including your family, friends and dating partners. Relationships take time, energy, and care to make them healthy. The relationships that you make in your teen years will be a special part of your life and will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are.

Person 2:
Since people are different, all relationships are different. But everyone deserves to live and love with respect – and without fear.
(Everyone connects a bad relationship with a potential abuser)

Person 3:
Just like being happy, being in a healthy relationship is what you choose to be only that it takes two to achieve it. Of course, there’s a grave need for commitment, trust, self-respect and even a little bit of individual freedom - irrefutably these qualities are all the necessities in a relationship, even more for a healthy one. Couples in a relationship are people too, and as human beings we all make mistakes. In other saying - a healthy relationship doesn’t necessarily that the relationship has to be perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship in this world, and there’s no such thing as a perfect person in this world too. If we were to group relationships in this category, I’m pretty sure there’ll be none at all. You should know more from your own instinct when it comes to healthy relationship; it’s when your head say it so and when people close to you feel it too.

Person 1:
Without communication, there is no relationship..plain and simple. If you can’t communicate well then your "relationship" is destined to fail. In a relationship, you should have the ability to share your thoughts and feelings and know that the other person is actually listening and paying attention to what you are saying. Without good communication, you will have MANY misunderstandings!

Person 2:
Communication is the key to success in everything when dealing with other people. Otherwise you have to rely on your psychic mind reading abilities to get things right. If you are doing something that bothers your mate, or your mate is doing something that bothers you, you have to talk about it, otherwise it will just irritate you constantly, and eventually you will grow to resent your mate. We all have things we expect out of a relationship, but they dont always match with what the other person wants. The only way for your desires and your mates desires to work together is to express them.

Person 3:
Communication involves almost every aspect of our interactions with others; for this reason, communication and relationships are inseparably connected. You can't have a relationship with someone without communicating with them.
Communication involves how we express our thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others, including what we say and how we say it. But when we communicate with others, we also communicate attitudes, values, priorities, and beliefs. No matter what we actually say to other people in words, we also send messages about what we think of them, what we think of ourselves, and whether or not we're being sincere and genuine in what we say. Our non-verbal communication -- those things we don't say with words, but with our gestures, our facial expressions, and our attitude -- speak volumes.

Person 1
People cheat because they are unfilled in their relationships. Men will do it for less substantial reasons than women, while women will usually do it because they feel ignored by their men. Men will separate a meaningless fling from the girl they actually want to be with. With women, they usually do it for more serious reasons.

Person 2
People in America these days are becoming more impatient, and society is conditioning them to become that way. We learn that if we're not perfectly satisfied with something, we can throw it awy. We learn that everything has a fast solution. If you don't like what's on TV, you can go and choose from any of the other 230 channels that you get. If you don't like the food in the fridge, you can go get yourself a burger, fires, and a soda without getting out of your car. Everything these days is becoming convenietnt and disposable. We are subconsciously learning that it is acceptable to take something for a while, then throw it away after a few uses. We are becoming less and less responsible for our actions. If these people don't have to take responsibility for their actions, why should a girl feel guilty for cheating on you? After being with you for a while, they go out and get another guy to prove to themselves that they're still as attractive and desirable as when they met you.

Person 3:
Selfishness, People want their cake and to eat it too. Rather than being straight with you, they don't want to deal with confrontation. They tell you what you want to hear, and then go do what they desire anyway.

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