Wednesday, May 26, 2010

YOU THE MAN- Extra Credit

At first I was not sure what to expect from the performance, I had never seen a one man show but I was happily surprised at how effective he was in trying to get a point across. Domestic violence is a very large issue not only in American but all around the world, a majority of the time it is publicized as a problem only effecting women, the victims and the mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and grandmothers who are just as upset and emotionally involved because there loved one was being abused. the media pays little attention to the other half of the world, men. Weather or not they have been the one involved being abused, the abuser,or most importantly the ones that know a family member is in a emotionally or physically abusive relationship and can do little about it to protect them from their own choices. I respected the fact that in this play the actor decided to switch things up and represent the males point of view. He expressed the vulnerable side that we never get to see much coming from the male. It was interesting to see how they are just as affected as anyone else. Today in society the male character is not given the chance so express there softer side they are not allowed to show emotion and still be seen as the dominant one. Maybe that is why most people associate the male in an abusive relationship as the abuser.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I was in class for the guest speakers so i decided to sit down and talk in depth with a family friend who has 3 children what she she felt made a "Good Parent":
1. Nurture your child's self-esteem. Your words and actions as a parent affect your child's developing self-esteem more than anything else. Praising your child's accomplishments, however small, will make him or her feel proud; letting your child do things independently will make him or her feel capable and strong. By contrast, belittling comments or comparing your child unfavorably with another will make him or her feel worthless.

2. Make time for your children. With so many demands on your time, it's often difficult for parents and children to get together for a family meal, let alone spend some quality time together. Children who are not getting the attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehave because they are assured of being noticed that way. Many parents find it mutually rewarding to have pre-scheduled time with their child on a regular basis. Create a "special night" each week to be together and let him or her help decide how you will spend your time. Look for other ways to connect with your child - put a note or something special in his or her lunch box.

3. Try and be a good role model. Young children learn a great deal about how to act by watching you. The younger they are, the more cues they take from you. Before you lash out or blow your top in front of your child, think about this: is that how you want your child to behave when he or she is angry? Be constantly aware that you are being observed by your children. Model the traits you wish to cultivate in your child: respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. Do things for other people without expecting a reward. Express thanks and offer compliments. Above all, treat your children the way you expect other people to treat you.

4. Make communication a priority. You can't expect children to do everything simply because you, as a parent, "say so." Children want and deserve explanations as much as adults do. Parents who reason with their children allow them to understand and learn in a nonjudgmental way. Make your expectations clear. If there is a problem, describe it to your child, express your feelings about it, and invite your child to work on a solution with you. Be sure to include consequences. Make suggestions and offer choices. Be open to your child's suggestions as well. Children who participate in decisions are more motivated to carry them out.

5. `Show that your love is unconditional. As an effective parent, you are responsible for correcting and guiding your child. But how you express your corrective guidance makes all the difference in how your child receives it. When you have to confront your child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or fault-finding, which undermine self-esteem and can lead to resentment. Instead, strive to nurture and encourage, even when you are disciplining your child. Make sure he or she knows that although you want and expect better next time, your love is there no matter what.

*** I think that there is not a "correct" way to parent you children, it comes with practice however i think that the interveiw above provides very useful advice on how to approch parenting. I think it is extremly important that the parents be felxible when it comes to deciding how they want to parent their children.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

HW 56

1) Questions:
What is a healthy relationship?
How important is communication in a relationship? (pros and cons)
What is considered and unhealthy relationship?
What do you consider to be an "abusive" relationship?
Why do you think people in "abusive" relationships choose to stay in them for so long?

Healthy Relationship
Person 1:
Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. You can have a healthy relationship with anyone in your life, including your family, friends and dating partners. Relationships take time, energy, and care to make them healthy. The relationships that you make in your teen years will be a special part of your life and will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are.

Person 2:
Since people are different, all relationships are different. But everyone deserves to live and love with respect – and without fear.
(Everyone connects a bad relationship with a potential abuser)

Person 3:
Just like being happy, being in a healthy relationship is what you choose to be only that it takes two to achieve it. Of course, there’s a grave need for commitment, trust, self-respect and even a little bit of individual freedom - irrefutably these qualities are all the necessities in a relationship, even more for a healthy one. Couples in a relationship are people too, and as human beings we all make mistakes. In other saying - a healthy relationship doesn’t necessarily that the relationship has to be perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship in this world, and there’s no such thing as a perfect person in this world too. If we were to group relationships in this category, I’m pretty sure there’ll be none at all. You should know more from your own instinct when it comes to healthy relationship; it’s when your head say it so and when people close to you feel it too.

Person 1:
Without communication, there is no relationship..plain and simple. If you can’t communicate well then your "relationship" is destined to fail. In a relationship, you should have the ability to share your thoughts and feelings and know that the other person is actually listening and paying attention to what you are saying. Without good communication, you will have MANY misunderstandings!

Person 2:
Communication is the key to success in everything when dealing with other people. Otherwise you have to rely on your psychic mind reading abilities to get things right. If you are doing something that bothers your mate, or your mate is doing something that bothers you, you have to talk about it, otherwise it will just irritate you constantly, and eventually you will grow to resent your mate. We all have things we expect out of a relationship, but they dont always match with what the other person wants. The only way for your desires and your mates desires to work together is to express them.

Person 3:
Communication involves almost every aspect of our interactions with others; for this reason, communication and relationships are inseparably connected. You can't have a relationship with someone without communicating with them.
Communication involves how we express our thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others, including what we say and how we say it. But when we communicate with others, we also communicate attitudes, values, priorities, and beliefs. No matter what we actually say to other people in words, we also send messages about what we think of them, what we think of ourselves, and whether or not we're being sincere and genuine in what we say. Our non-verbal communication -- those things we don't say with words, but with our gestures, our facial expressions, and our attitude -- speak volumes.

Person 1
People cheat because they are unfilled in their relationships. Men will do it for less substantial reasons than women, while women will usually do it because they feel ignored by their men. Men will separate a meaningless fling from the girl they actually want to be with. With women, they usually do it for more serious reasons.

Person 2
People in America these days are becoming more impatient, and society is conditioning them to become that way. We learn that if we're not perfectly satisfied with something, we can throw it awy. We learn that everything has a fast solution. If you don't like what's on TV, you can go and choose from any of the other 230 channels that you get. If you don't like the food in the fridge, you can go get yourself a burger, fires, and a soda without getting out of your car. Everything these days is becoming convenietnt and disposable. We are subconsciously learning that it is acceptable to take something for a while, then throw it away after a few uses. We are becoming less and less responsible for our actions. If these people don't have to take responsibility for their actions, why should a girl feel guilty for cheating on you? After being with you for a while, they go out and get another guy to prove to themselves that they're still as attractive and desirable as when they met you.

Person 3:
Selfishness, People want their cake and to eat it too. Rather than being straight with you, they don't want to deal with confrontation. They tell you what you want to hear, and then go do what they desire anyway.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

homework 55

Part 1:
Independent /Research Question --
What is considered a healthy vs unhealthy relationship in today's society? what is the specific criteria?

Part 2:
I think your research question had the potential to be very interesting, there is a lot you can branch out and talk about. I think without you knowing it while doing research you will include new information that you find very interesting along the way. It is very similar to mine in the sense that you want to analyze how a relationship works. By "barriers" do you mean things that are and are not acceptable by todays standards (according to society) or do you plan on focusing on specfically what a "functional" couple thinks works or does not work. Before you start you research i think you might want to just get a solid idea about what a relationship actually is do you think there is a correct definition? keep up the good work :)

I think there is a lot to be said for your chosen question and i think it will be even more interesting because many people have different opinions on why people cheat and wether or not it is acceptable, it is very controversial. It would be very interesting to get both women and mens opinion on the subject and compare the two, i can only imagine that you would get very different responses from the two. I think another aspect about the questions that makes this a very interesting is how relatable it is, even to people our age. It seems that temptation is everywhere even if we love the person why are they not good enough. To make this question a little more interesting to kids out age maybe look into the music that we all listen to and analyze the lyrics. why have major music stars made cheating and being unfaithful cool?

Part 3:
I have yet to get any feedback on my question therefore i am going to leave it the way it is now, but i am still very open to change. However after reading Juliette's question i was very tempted to steal hers because as i was thinking about hers i came up with some ideas that i think would make a very interesting paper.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Homework 54

Jung Test Results
My type is: ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.

This is the second time i have taken a personality test, the last time was in Mr. Tusi's class when we were working with a program with business men and women, called business leaders of tomorrow. The first test was not as specific as this one and there were not as many questions to be answered. I feel like this one was not as spot on as the first one i took, i can not see my self being an entertainer because i am too shy of a person, although i am outgoing with people i know i am extremely shy with strangers and its take a very long time for me to get comfortable with people i do not know. I am not sure how accurate the test really is cause there were a few questions that i didn't really understand and had to ask friends what certain words meant or what they questions meant. Overall i really enjoy taking surveys or questionnaires like this because it makes me evaluate how i go about living life and if it is really as meaningful as it should be. This questionnaire in specific focused on how people go about handling relationships, while i was answering most of questions i was answering for how i interact with people i am already friends not really thinking about the ones i am not as close with, i think that was a mistake and i would re-think some of my answers if i was to answer it all over again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


While taking this survey at first i was not really sure what to think. I just started answering the questions very quick and casually not really giving them that much thought because i saw how many questions there were and to be honest i just wanted to get it done. As i read on the questions began to hit closer to home and stared to become very personal, i began to actually consider what was being asked and apply each of the situations to my life. I was surprised by some of my own answers and it slowly made me really analyze the relationships i have with my family. I didn't realize i felt as distant as i do. It was a wake up call in a sense, i have never been very comfortable talking to my parents about anything even though i know they will be accepting and are some of the least judgemental people i know. Seems like my relationship with my parents should be picture perfect but in reality its far from it. i wonder myself what happened in life to make my parents and my relationship the way it is. I feel as though they think they are closer than we really are and that's a little scary, is it possible they have too much trust in me? I was able to take some time and actually think about my family and friends and my beliefs on the matter, which for a majority of the people is very sensitive. I feel like I answered all of the questions honestly because i knew it was anonymous and in the mean time I was able to learn more about myself. The questions that made me stop and think were the ones about my family. Overall i enjoyed taking the survey!

There were many results that caught my eye after looking over the results of the survey i found it very interesting the amount of people said they had seriously thought about suicide 17 people answered that is had once been a thought. That shocked me cause for the most part when the questions asked about their relationship with family and friends few had very negative things to say. Most people associate being happy with having the love and support of close family and good friends so why were so many people so unhappy that they had thought to take there life. humans are incredibly social creatures but how much of having friends and family keeps a person happy? Although society paints a very clear picture for the "perfect" family no one will ever have one, every family is dis functional in their own way, i find it so interesting how relationships with whole family differ. this a topic that i am excited to explore. Based on the survey most of us also seem to feel that friends play a huge role in their lives, some even think that close friends over rule family, i can see where people come from saying that, not all of us feel close enough to confide in parents or relatives but friends are somehow more trust worthy. is there a right way to handle any type of relationship????

The survey that we had taken got personal at some points but they were still questions that could be answered pretty easily. However the other surveys were more focused and specifically asked questions about a certain area, the formal surveys were about "teen health" and a topic that most people our age can somehow relate to, sex and relationships. The informal survey we had to take was easy to get through and thought provoking for the most part, the survey we had to take focused on a couple of different categories: friends, family, the world, politics and there were a few short answers,. The two surveys were from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and The national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). These are more like facts, and looked totally different than the survey we took in class. The one we took in school seemed more personal, while those surveys seemed more factual and not based as much on peoples take on the issue. This is a personal example of how researching can be really impersonal and most of the time it does not really mean the same thing as what it appears to be on paper.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homework 52

Let me first say that i am very excited to start a new unit.. this ones actually seems to be somewhat interesting! I am hoping that i will gain some new insight on the topic, and the class discussions in class will be more like last year. So why and how do humans do what we do -- in the sense of all relationships. I think humans in general are extremely self conscious people, i think we are all out to please and make other people happy. I don't think there is any one type of way a person acts, different people bring out different personalities out. How natural is this? I almost feel as if we do not create our own character and personalities but allow everyone else to be the determining factor for why we act the way we do (or play a certain role). we are in a never ended acting class, its a little bit scary if you think about it. For example we plan what we say before we meet new people potentially we are handed an exact script, but as the relationship changes with the person you just met so does the script that we need in order to deal with the situation given. I feel very strongly that human need constant social contact no matter what we will always need people around, we like people; maybe not all the time but most of the time we don't want to be alone and crave attention wether it be positive or negative. We want people to see us for who we are so that they in turn like us and continue to want to be around us, but how to we determine "who we are?" hopefully we will explore this further.

When i think about relationships we seem to put on a face for two different social groups, one our family and how we act around them and two our friends and how we act with them. I feel friendships are based on what people have in common with eachother. When people have best friends, those are the people that you enjoy to spend time with, you go over their house, go to lunch with, share you secrets and gossip to, play favorite games or sports, the list goes on. Are friends in school different that ones outside of school? The type of friend that helps you with your hw or do projects with eachother. And the other type of friendship where you only say hi or bye to eachother. You don't really say much to eachother, or maybe once in a while say how you doing or ask you a question about something thats not thats not that important. And lastly, there is the child hood close friend. Thats the human relationship where they know everything about eachother and they tell eachother secrets. I feel it is almost inpossible to judge other peoples realationship and weather or not they are genuine and meaningful, nowadays it seems as if people and different groups of friends value there friendship.

Family is the people people that love you the most, care for you the most, protect you the most, and make sure that they are always there when you are down.Different people could agree or disagree the phrase "Family comes before everything", that is because they do or dont have a strong a bond with eachother. The family memebers are the ones who know your weaknesses and your strengths. Is this why when you always see familys come together on special holidays to celebrate? is it because they want to or they are forced to? Besides the gifts and everything, its to show their appreciation for one another and to show their love with one another and have a good time. Family is known to be top priority but what is to say that friends cant be family???

Monday, April 26, 2010


John Taylor Gatto:
Believed that schools did not fully allow children to learn but instead made information being received very confusing. Programming kids even adults to memorize things would not help them because in the long run everything will be forgotten. They don't have any real application to children's real lives so it is not as helpful as most would think. Gatto compared schools to a "cell block style" environment, he said that he thought that school did not allow kids to stay interested and instead of promoting maturity it encouraged kids to act childish. Student don't really have a say in there position in society because they have just done what they were told to do their whole life. School devalues children's views and potential in life. Children for the most part only do what they are told to do, the school system promotes this idea of acceptance by others, not just teachers but making friends. We as students always look for approval and rewards. School is such a robotic thing and many might argue that it is not allowing us to explore out own intrestests and creativity instead we obey and are almost robot-like.

If you ask anyone why we go to learn you will only hear about two different answers, some believe because they feel they are getting an "education" and other want to keep there kids out of trouble. But in reality most teachers really spend a large about of there time acting as the care taker, they have no choice but to try and keep out of control teenagers in check. Gatto argues that school conforms students and makes them in the end all the same; indifferent from society, child-like and very dependent people. Why is it so hard to control students?... maybe because they are bored or even that the teachers are bored! we are forced to sit and listen to stuff that most of us are not even very interested about, while teachers are teaching stuff they are told to by higher authority. If you think about it, it is a cycle. Why is it made to seem that people can not be successful without a college education. Gatto argues and strongly believes that people can make it in the world with out a traditional education.

Paulo Freire:
He discusses the "banking meathod" of teaching, he believes teachers should insert a certain about of knowledge and have their students memorize it. This is the total opposite than what other think is an effective education. In his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed he discusses the people he feels is oppressed and their oppressors. This quote stood out to me because it explained how he felt the school system worked "teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist and a new term emerges: teacher-student with students-teachers." teachers are doing the teaching, and the students are the ones left memorizing what the teacher is saying and that is considered learning. While the 'teacher-student' and 'students-teachers' is a relationship where the teachers are learning from their kids, and their kids are learning from their teachers, this second method seems more effective. The relationship where the teachers and students are learning from each other is much
more effective from first hand experience. When the teacher is doing the lecturing and the students are the ones taking notes, the teachers accepting that the students have actual experiences and insights worth sharing, while the teacher that teaches to be heard treats the students as objects and prevents them from actually learning everything they could be. Freire is saying is that the teacher that is only really interested in making sure facts are embedded in the students' minds (the oppressor), however the students that are memorizing what the teachers are saying are the oppressed ones

Lisa Delpit:
while reading about her she believed that schools should provide strategies to be able to teach both the kids that have already mastered the knowledge to use what they already know to expand and learn other things. Education should be used as a resource to help children that come from homes that cannot provide a bery decient education in order for them to be prepared for the real world. She felt it very important that teachers get to know the students they are teaching on a more personal level and also explore the life they live outside of school as well. Art is very important to her and i strongly agree with this aspect of her educational plan, i also feel it is important for kids to beable to be creative. Lisa Delpit believes that the teacher should build on how their students as individuals already are, and to incorporate that into what they are being taught "teachers can create a curriculum based on strengths rather than weaknesses, then they are teaching to their student's needs." She thinks that instead of teachers just teaching by the book, teachers should understand their students and how they can help individuals learn at their own pace and in their own way.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was absent for a few days while our class was in the middle of production, however the first day i was in class. Being as though i am not a natural born actress i wanted to have one of the smaller parts, i guess you could say i played an extra (just another one of the students). In one scene i walk in on the first day of class excited to see everyone and catch up after summer break, In another scene we are listening to out drug addicted teacher (however we do not know that he suffers with a problem yet) speak, he seems to be a very intelligent and have a interesting take on most of everything he talks about. In the scene not all of the students are engaged some are in their own world throwing paper balls at each other or talking in small groups. Later on in the film four students pass by his classroom after hours to discover that their teacher Jake Westwood is taking cocaine in the back of his room on his desk.

The film could be interpreted in many different ways, we were talking about what it means to be a "super-teacher" and i think the movie passes along the message that we are not as happy as we might all seem. In this movie the students would have never probably guessed the problems the Jake suffered from... but if someone needs help, help them out! At certain points in the film i assume it gets very serious and seems to have a deeper emotional meaning, all the students seem to act very sympathetic towards Westwood. The students turned out to be his strength, he realized he had to make the change to better his life and with the support of his students he did so.

Compared to the other films ours was a little different, but after a certain point there are not many more "original" stories lines. Ultimately our class film was trying to show how students taking a stand can help a teacher/mentor and provide strength for them to overcome obstacles. This was a little different because unlike most films about teachers, the students are all trouble makers and the teachers get stuck teaching kids that they have to babysit. Our film was a little different because the teacher was the taboo one who needed all the guidance and direction he could get, because he could not provide the help he needed for himself.

Our film connects to reality and our life in general as students because lots of times the teachers try and make everything better, they want to be looked up like the heroic figure. The target the kids who they know need help so that evetually the students will obay the athority figure because they were being nice and treating them like they were special. But sometimes teachers need help, its just not as obvious a thing.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Anne Parker wakes up to start her first day at work, she looks through her closet but her choices very limited she decided to wear the newest grey suit out of her collection. She walks over to her vanity does her makeup and adds the sting of delicate pearls around her neck. She locks the door to her apartment walks to the subway to get to work. It is her first day teaching the 10th grade at a public school in the middle of the city, but more importantly her first day as teacher. She cant help but be nervous, she does not know what to expect. From the look of the things most would assume she looks like the average white American women, most would think she grew up in a stable household in the suburbs with a white picket fence... a brother, maybe a sister and a dog.

Walking into the school the first person she interacts with is her boss the principal who gives her a few words of advice. Anne is not sure how to take the advice given should she run with it or be scared. She is escorted to her classroom, walks in takes a few minutes to look around and get comfortable before the students come in she writes her names up on the dry erase bored... 10 minutes pass she takes one final deep breath and opens the door for her students. Chaos immediately fills the room, Anne is not sure how to handle it. students come in screaming exchanging hugs and kisses, some banging on the desks, some decide to jump on top of the tables breaking out i song. Its the first day back everyone is excited to see their friends. Anne lets the excitement continue for 5 minutes before she attempts to get the students attention. the first few attempts fail miserably, she begins to panic but she does not wanna let the kids see the fear in her eyes. Sitting in the very front of the class room are a group of students waiting to begin what the came to school for.... learn. Anne regathers her self and begins to take a different approach in stead of trying to get everyone attention and wasting time she begins to introduce herself to the few that are listening. little does everyone know she is probably able to relate to most of the students on a more personal level than most other teachers. She decides to take a different approach and let the students come to her rather than forcing them to conform when they dint want to! Anne suddenly gets a confidence boost and says to herself in her head i will get these kids respect. She begins to tell the few students sitting in the front about herself and decides to completely ignore the ones that are giving her trouble.

Weeks go by and things begin to get a little better but there are still a few students giving her trouble, she is still putting up with the students disobedience because she knows the deeper issues going on better than most might think. She begins to come into school dressing a little less conservative, Anne knows that the more relatable she is with them the more respect she will earn. she begins to open up more about her life and the struggles of have two drug addicted parents, living in foster homes, she tries to relate to their lives. she was just like one of them when she went to school and is not knew to the game. After a long day of work she goes home sits and thinks about why she really was so scared the first day on the job, she realizes that she was living her school days experience through the other kids, at first it was a little scary but she realizes she can have control over the students eventually. She does not want her students to be scared of her, her goals are to be able to create a place where they look forward to coming to everyday .

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HW 46

To further investigate the idea of school and what is all really behind it, i wanted to explore the differences (pros and cons) of public school education vs. private school education in America (more specifically New York City) At first i began to browse through a book about teenagers and there rights, i can not recall the exact name of the book but didn't find it very insightful or helpful for what research i needed. A friend of mind was doing a similar topic and recommended a book called "Academy X" written by Andrew Trees. The book was based (a true story) around a private school teacher and his experiences while working, to my surprise it was more about his traumatizing experience working than what he enjoyed about teaching at an elite academy. In the book he discussed what he though of students and his colleagues. My first impression was that he would be a successful teacher who went far, he thought it was important to always be fair and showed everyone equal amounts of respect. Like the movies we have seen clips on in class it became apparent that teaching was not an easy of a job despite what everyone else might think. While reading it became apparent that public schools where nothing like private schools and have me some outlook and perspective on what to look for while researching schools in the city.
Private schools seemed to hype up there reputation but was the enormous about of tuition really worth it. It seemed to me that schools made it there number one priority to market the school to who they know would be willing to pay for their children to attend. Parents who grew up thinking status and class was the number one thing, shopped for schools like they would the newest designer brand handbag. They thought if their child attend a renowned school with the name they might be more likely to help their children land a spot in a top ivy league for college. The way the school system was described in the book seemed almost like a scene form gossip girl. If the children misbehaved or got in some sort of trouble there million and billionaire family could essentially buy them selves out of the mess they created. I was shocked to see that the according to the author of the book his boss (the principal) saw the students parents customers, they were just what was gonna make him richer and his business up and running.
Teachers seemed to also get away with much more than they should have been allowed to, in some cases teacher students relationships became controversial. I wonder if this is really any different in public schools... i doubt it. One of the student Andrew talked about had claimed to have been raped because of a copied paper. this resulted in the separation of students vs. kids sides where being taken and it became almost impossible to prove. For some reason is not schocking that teacher will get away with crimes like this. I think this could be a topic on its own for why teacher students flings are appealing. School was at one point in time a place for childeren to learn but how much do we actually retain if any... I wonder if there is a more effective way to get into teenagers minds, there does not seem to be a earge to learn maybe that is because as americans we are too lazy and spoiled... standards are not high enough, we get away with too much so we continue to push limits.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

HOMEWORK 44 - What is school all about??

While watching the speech Obama made, these were some of the points.questions and thoughts i made: they are very unorganized
advanced placement class automatically means ur smart?
we are given so many oppurtunities but it is a personal choice to take advantage of them
there is this idea that we must go to school to have a sucessful future
responsinily come hand to hand with education
teachers nd parents should push us
we should set high standards
nothing will matter unless the student will make it happen
but what happens if they dont have that support
"every single on of you has something your good at, its your responsibility to figure out what that is"
they will never know unless they experiment
"no matter what you want to do with your life i gaurentee you will need a education to do it, you can not drop out of school nd just drop into a good job you."
"what we are learning in school now will determine wether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future"
critical thinking skills
make it more fair nd more free
if u quit on school ur not just quiting on ur self your quiting on ur country
sense of pressure put on us to beable to lead the country
do we need education to change our country? why cant we all get together nd march for our rights
we should set our own goals
what probelm are we gonna solve
what discovers are we gonna make

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have a lot of memories from my early days at school, some good but the ones that stand out to me the most are the ones that were more traumatizing than anything. I remember when I first started pre-k every morning I would either be dropped off by my mother or one of my dads students (he was like a babysitter) I cried every morning because i didn't want to leave them, and every morning the teacher would make me sit in a big blue chair in the corner of a room until I stopped. No one was aloud to come over and take to me. At that age I'm not sure how I felt but looking back on it was like a prison, the experience was completely new to me I had been around a nurturer for the better beginning of my life and being isolated by complete strangers only made me feel more alone. My mother decided to take me out of school until I eventually started 1st grade at the local public school near my house called P.S 234. I remember the first day of first grade i surprised my mom with the fact that i could tie my won high top converse! she was shocked and could not figure out where i had learned it from, and to be honest i don't know where i learned it either. I remember my two best friends growing up were Marlon and Taro we had went to that horrible preschool together and before we were born our parents had been friends. I was a complete tom boy growing up! i would never wear a dress, was never interested in playing house or pertending to run my own class (playing teacher) i didn't grown up with barbies, instead i born with a giants jersey on (thanks to my dad). I was one of the boys i remember always getting in trouble because we would always sit in the back of the rug. At that age we found everything funny there was not a lot the teachers could do we were always in trouble and eventually got separated. I am still pretty close with them to this day, thinking back i had so many memories when i was older i started becoming close with other people. I find it very interesting how you change and become a different kind of person depending on who you surround yourself with... that leads me to think we never truly know who we really are!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Top Public School Education (BEACON) VS. Top Private School Education (UNIS)

1. "Curriculum." (2010): 1. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
**The goal of assessment at UNIS is to support both learning and teaching through varied and balanced assessment practices
**Our goal is to train them to think critically, communicate effectively, take risks in learning, be open minded and reflective. Students are encouraged to develop an international perspective and an understanding of global issues.
**Lot of resources: there own online library and catalogue
_The Upper School library fiction section reflects the diversity of the school through its impressive collection of international literature and authors. The Library also maintains extensive French, Spanish and German language collections. Also unique to the UNIS Library are its extensive primary and secondary source collections on peace studies and on the United Nations.
The Upper School Library subscribes to 30 magazines in English, French and Spanish. In addition, the library subscribes to fifteen subscription databases that provide full text access to thousands of magazine and newspaper articles.
_Communication between the different constituencies at the school is enhanced by a portal web site. Technology is also used to communicate world-wide. UNIS LiveCast project which uses sophisticated video-conferencing equipment to connect UNIS students to other parts of the world.

KEY POINTS: Financial advantage allows then to more advanced curriculum and teaching instruments

2. "BEACON CURRICULUM ." (2010): n. pag. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
**Students select from semester-long electives such as: Literature & Media Theory, Literature and the Human Condition, War Literature, Shakespeare, Hip Hop and Literature, Contemporary British Literature, Advanced Theatre Workshop, The Philosophical Journey, and Writing Your Own Story. The PBA is an independent research paper/literary analysis using a social, historical, cultural, or personal lens and a creative portfolio. Students must pass all four years of English.
**Students select from semester-long electives such as: Constitutional Law, The Global Cold War, the History of New York City, Gettysburg, India from Independence to Information Technology, Modern Chinese History, International Political Economy, Modern American Foreign Policy, Reel-to-Real: Can and Should We Learn History from Movies? and 20th Century American Social History.
** Chemistry, Evolution and Genetics, Immunology, Integrated Science, Physics, Seminar, Topics in Biochemistry, Tropical Ecology, AP Chemistry, and AP Biology, The PBA is a research paper
**Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Math Applications, AP Calculus.
**Students may select from: Advanced Digital Film, Studio Art Honors, Advanced Photography, Photo Black & White,Capoeira, Choreography, Computer Animation, Creative Writing, Digital Film, Design Studio, Percussion, Guitar/Song Writing, Music Theory, Digital Photography, Studio Art, Studio Art Honors, Hip Hop/Jazz, Drama Production, Musical Production, and Theatre Ensemble.
** Beacon juniors and seniors can take classes at New York University, Hunter College, John Jay College, and Fordham University.

3. "NYC Department of Education ." (2010): 1-30. Web. 23 Feb 2010. .
New York State High School Graduation Requirements differ depending on the year a student first enters 9th grade. Students can obtain a Graduation Requirements card from their Guidance Counselor. The cards outline the credits, Regents examinations, and scores required for high school graduation. Graduation Requirements cards are color-coded and dated to correspond to the year of initial entry into 9th grade. The cards are intended to help students and parents, in consultation with the school counselor, determine how many credits, the distribution of credits by subject area, and the scores required on the Regents Exams to receive a local, Regents, or Advanced Regents diploma. A Diploma Requirements Worksheet can help track student academic progress throughout high school.

_what makes a great school? what works vs. what fails?
_who sets the standards? if they were more challenging how would that be different from how they are now?
_do we get away with too much too early off in life?

Monday, January 25, 2010


Being "Cool" seems to have become a trend and competition for teenagers, we strive to be popular, being considered "cool" by most seems to be the key. Why has the idea of achieving maximum "coolness" become dangerous? what won't a teenager to do to gain that title...

Cultural maps, and how the people who are closest to us effect out perspective on life, what is considered to be "cool" and who we surround our self with. Our cultural map leads us to make choices that allows to create new cultural maps. The idea of what is "cool" has seemed to change over time, its almost alarming how much of a competition being considered "cool" has become. There seems be very specific idea (stereotype) of what is normal and "cool" based on peoples race, class and gender. It seems that the ones who are already wealthy don't feel they have to be as obvious about it but the middle/lower class people go out of there way to buy to most expensive brand name stuff to prove a point. A rich white women who lives in a penthouse apartment on the upper west side might have a closet pull of designer top label clothes, but rather than having the designer name printed all over her dress or shoes the label is discreetly hidden in the back, the only way anyone would know would be by looking at the tag. Whereas your average black boy living in a small apartment with his family goes the extra mile to spend 300 on a Gucci belt (that is very obviously Gucci) or ridiculously expensive sneakers that have the brand name on them, the same goes for every other article of clothing they own (coats, jeans, tee-shirts ect.) logic would have it be the opposite way but it seems the people who are not as fortunate seem to have a point to prove. Its "cool" to have expensive stuff.

First impression seems to be all that counts, teenagers especially are judged on what they look like on the outside more than what is behind the mask. As we explored earlier tattoos and piercings have become much more widely acceptable so more people or all gender and race are marking up and putting holes in there bodies. For most races there are things considered "cool" and "not cool" but there seems to be less and less of a distinction between how different races represent them self, it all seems to be blending in with each other. Its still a question i wonder how has this idea or cool vs. uncool was created....

Everyone wants to be cool, I remember for a past HW assignment i ran across an article that said the ultimate compliment or title a teenager looks for is to be called "cool" or considered "cool" by others. Being cool seems to come hand and hand with popularity, when you have a lot of friends you "cool" but u have a lot of friends because your "cool". I think it ultimately is a chase for power, in many cases we take advantage of the people considered to be under us! Where do the ones who don't care about being "cool" and popularity come in? Why is do divided, why do some care and others don't? what is different about that ones who do care vs. the ones who could care less? I think confidence has a lot to do with it, the ones who are confident in the person they are (brains behind beauty) don't feel they need to fit the stereotypes, however the ones who try so hard (beauty before brains) are not as confident and hide behind what makes them appear cool. It would be very interesting to see how different life would be if the roles reversed

I think that advertising to young people (specifically teenagers) is a very smart and tricky trap that we all fall into. Companies and corporations make most of there money from people like us. We just worry about being cool so we will buy what we see being marketed as "the newest and coolest thing". Advertising is what seems to bring markets the most money, but i think it could be very harmful and destructive as well. At a young age we see things we want and we all become consumers at a disturbingly Young age whether we know it or not. If its not your money being spent its your parents (they buy for you what you tell them you like, you only know about it because its being advertised on one way or another).

Especially for our generation is it getting harder and harder (almost near impossible) to avoid advertisements. Because our society is taught to judge more on appearance/class and status the most we desire what we see out there that is "cool". Any teenage would rather go to school everyday sporting the latest name brand clothes than handy me downs. Advertising agency's make money off the dumbed down and ruthless consumers which is the majority of American population. Growing up children don't learn from there parents any better because it seems to be that they are just as sucked in as there kids. If you don't ever have someone telling you "no" don't do something you will never learn that its wrong.

Some advertising is more harmful than others, the tobacco industry is a major one that comes to mind. They spend so much money on sending out the message that smoking is "cool" they endorse movie stars, organize ad campaigns and commercials that all make it look like a positive thing. Now you know they must spend a lot of money to try and make smoking look "cool".

I believe uninvolved parents are part of the reason why children see so many advertisements, from personal experience I never really remember my parents putting a limit to my television or computer time. I know they tired and talked about cutting it down probably about 20 times, it would be enforced for a day then the old routine would start up again. I can only imagine how many other American family's household was similar to mine. Although i think that parents have the ability to monitor the amount of advertisements their children see at home, i think it is almost completely out of there hand when they walk the busy streets of the outside world. Kinda makes me think if teenagers from an urban (city) style life see more advertising outside than ones from the suburbs? Are our values the same?

I wondered myself even though i am on of the many teenagers that morph their bodies to try and prove a point... but what is the point? People who have tattoos and piercings; at one point, thought it would make them different because the next person wouldn't have that same "exact" tattoo or they discovered some new part on their body to put a hole in that no one else would have. Speaking from personal experience i am one of the many that follow the trend, with my many percings, tattoos are soon to come!

Our culture seems to be completely divided in half between people who feel tattooing and piercing your body up is fine and acceptable and others that are strongly against it. As fanning mentioned in class today, tattoo specifically has become a lot more acceptable. When he started adding to his collection of tattoos it was very "taboo" only the convicts, sailors and punk rockers had them. Fanning seemed to be very straight up and honest as far as i could tell when he was put on the spot to answer out questions. He had meaning for some of his tattoos but a lot of them were on his arm because he wanted to fill the the blank spaces. His first tattoo when he was 17 years old was simply a way of rebelling from everyone else growing up in the small town in main where he grew up, growing up he seemed to have find a love for the talent and it took for there works of art to be created. Many of his tattoos are done in a traditional Japanese style different from how artists in the states tackle them. I found that to be very interesting, in many cases i feel that tattoos are a form of art work, he has some really beautiful work! I was suprised to hear that he did not regret getting any of them, i could tell in his case it was more of a practice he did for himself rather than to be "cool" because most of the time the are hidden.

My fascination for tattoos started when i was pretty young. My dad had been a college professor, when my dad was teaching his summer film course in London my mother and I would always move with him. I remember my first ever babysitter was one of his students, her name was Hansey, she was covered in tattoos from neck to toe. when your a young kid (6) surrounded by college students and your the professor's daughter people make a big deal about you, you feel special and everybody seems "cool". I felt like she was the "coolest" person i had even seen, at that age i had not seen very many people quite like her. I clearly remember hanging out in her dorm and along with every tattoo on her body came with its own story. We would talk for hours about what all of them meant to her. From then one i always wanted to be just like her and i knew that i wanted tattoos as well.

I have always watched probably too much TV but about 3 years ago i got hooked on a reality show called Miami Ink that i came across one day on TLC. A camera crew basically filmed inside of their shop and told followed the artists life stories, one of the artists (the only women in the shop) named Kat Von D automatically caught my attention. I think she is the only true beauty that can pull of the amazing amount of work she has on her body including her face, which is covered in stars). She was the bad-ass that just that that something about her, she became an almost role model to me. After she left the show she quickly her own spin off called LA Ink, i made sure to watch it religiously, when i was in LA i made it a priority to visit her tattoo shop and when her book came out i skipped half a day to meet her at the barns and noble near my house when she was having a book signing. I was so happily surprised to see that she was so down to earth and a complete sweet heart which made me even more obsessed. It seems to just take one person to make some look good for everyone else to follow along, she has a huge fan base and is now one of the top leading tattoo artist in the world. To me the appeal is that she plays a very strong female role, she has overcome many obstacles which makes her much more relatable. She exudes confidence which also adds to the appeal.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Homework#36 - Triangle comments

From reading you paper it seems to be that the main point of your paper is that nobody can really be "cool" it is more a state of mind and an endless, pointless chase that can not be caught. why do we ultimatly care about being cool? where did that idea come from? That is what i got from the first part of you paper so far.... am i right? Cool is just an idea that we have in out heads and it becomes a bigger issue when gender is attached. Men have a different senes of what is cool that a women does visa versa. I think it would be interesting if you explored based on what we have talked about in class, do you think sterotypes have effected out perception of "cool"? just a thought maybe you could ass it somewhere in your big paper. Are you planning on keeping the questions in your paper i kinda like them it keeps the reader thinking almost forcing them to come up with some of there own ideas. I like the second point you are making that "cool" is automatally assocsiated with being popular, noticed or being copied and followed. Good point but i feel you could add some more insight about why you feel that is. Might be a tough question but why are things precived to be "cool",cool? who decided? Do you think we care about being cooler now than we did years back, i know you are supposed to focus on present day especially our generation but it might be kind of interesting to add a little bit about the change from a few years ago compared to today. how have teenagers changed?

good start!!! :) hope this is helpful to you...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HOMEWORK #35 Cool Paper Rough Draft...

Being "Cool" seems to have become a trend and competition for teenagers, we strive to be popular, being considered "cool" by most seems to be the key. Why has the idea of achieving maximum "coolness" become dangerous? what won't a teenager to do to gain that title...

I think that advertising to young people (specifically teenagers) is a very smart and tricky trap that we all fall into. Companies and corporations make most of there money from people like us. We just worry about being cool so we will buy what we see being marketed as "the newest and coolest thing". Advertising is what seems to bring markets the most money, but i think it could be very harmful and destructive as well. At a young age we see things we want and we all become consumers at a disturbingly Young age whether we know it or not. If its not your money being spent its your parents (they buy for you what you tell them you like, you only know about it because its being advertised on one way or another).

Especially for our generation is it getting harder and harder (almost near impossible) to avoid advertisements. Because our society is taught to judge more on appearance/class and status the most we desire what we see out there that is "cool". Any teenage would rather go to school everyday sporting the latest name brand clothes than handy me downs. Advertising agency's make money off the dumbed down and ruthless consumers which is the majority of American population. Growing up children don't learn from there parents any better because it seems to be that they are just as sucked in as there kids. If you don't ever have someone telling you "no" don't do something you will never learn that its wrong.

I believe uninvolved parents are part of the reason why children see so many advertisements, from personal experience I never really remember my parents putting a limit to my television or computer time. I know they tired and talked about cutting it down probably about 20 times, it would be enforced for a day then the old routine would start up again. I can only imagine how many other American family's household was similar to mine. Although i think that parents have the ability to monitor the amount of advertisements their children see at home, i think it is almost completely out of there hand when they walk the busy streets of the outside world. Kinda makes me think if teenagers from an urban (city) style life see more advertising outside than ones from the suburbs? Are our values the same?

Some advertising is more harmful than others, the tobacco industry is a major one that comes to mind. They spend so much money on sending out the message that smoking is "cool" they endorse movie stars, organize ad campaigns and commercials that all make it look like a positive thing. Now you know they must spend a lot of money to try and make smoking look "cool".

Why is it that this idea of altering your body become so popular? I wondered myself even though i am on of the many teenagers that morph their bodies to try and prove a point... but what is the point? I think that most people who have tattoos and piercings; at one point, thought it would make them different because the next person wouldn't have that same "exact" tattoo or they discovered some new part on their body to put a hole in that no one else would have. Speaking from personal experience i am one of the many that follow the trend, with my many percings, tattoos are soon to come!

Our culture seems to be completely divided in half between people who feel tattooing and piercing your body up is fine and acceptable and others that are strongly against it. As fanning mentioned in class today, tattoo specifically has become a lot more acceptable. When he started adding to his collection of tattoos it was very "taboo" only the convicts, sailors and punk rockers had them. Fanning seemed to be very straight up and honest as far as i could tell when he was put on the spot to answer out questions. He had meaning for some of his tattoos but a lot of them were on his arm because he wanted to fill the the blank spaces. His first tattoo when he was 17 years old was simply a way of rebelling from everyone else growing up in the small town in main where he grew up, growing up he seemed to have find a love for the talent and it took for there works of art to be created. Many of his tattoos are done in a traditional Japanese style different from how artists in the states tackle them. I found that to be very interesting, in many cases i feel that tattoos are a form of art work, he has some really beautiful work! I was suprised to hear that he did not regret getting any of them, i could tell in his case it was more of a practice he did for himself rather than to be "cool" because most of the time the are hidden.

My fascination for tattoos started when i was pretty young. My dad had been a college professor, when my dad was teaching his summer film course in London my mother and I would always move with him. I remember my first ever babysitter was one of his students, her name was Hansey, she was covered in tattoos from neck to toe. when your a young kid (6) surrounded by college students and your the professor's daughter people make a big deal about you, you feel special and everybody seems "cool". I felt like she was the "coolest" person i had even seen, at that age i had not seen very many people quite like her. I clearly remember hanging out in her dorm and along with every tattoo on her body came with its own story. We would talk for hours about what all of them meant to her. From then one i always wanted to be just like her and i knew that i wanted tattoos as well.

I have always watched probably too much TV but about 3 years ago i got hooked on a reality show called Miami Ink that i came across one day on TLC. A camera crew basically filmed inside of their shop and told followed the artists life stories, one of the artists (the only women in the shop) named Kat Von D automatically caught my attention. I think she is the only true beauty that can pull of the amazing amount of work she has on her body including her face, which is covered in stars). She was the bad-ass that just that that something about her, she became an almost role model to me. After she left the show she quickly her own spin off called LA Ink, i made sure to watch it religiously, when i was in LA i made it a priority to visit her tattoo shop and when her book came out i skipped half a day to meet her at the barns and noble near my house when she was having a book signing. I was so happily surprised to see that she was so down to earth and a complete sweet heart which made me even more obsessed. It seems to just take one person to make some look good for everyone else to follow along, she has a huge fan base and is now one of the top leading tattoo artist in the world. To me the appeal is that she plays a very strong female role, she has overcome many obstacles which makes her much more relatable. She exudes confidence which also adds to the appeal.


Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose.....

In class we talked about cultural maps, and how the people who are closest to us effect out perspective on life, what is considered to be "cool" and who we surround our self with. Our cultural map leads us to make choices that allows to create new cultural maps. The idea of what is "cool" has seemed to change over time, its almost alarming how much of a competition being considered "cool" has become. There seems be very specific idea (stereotype) of what is normal and "cool" based on peoples race, class and gender. It seems that the ones who are already wealthy don't feel they have to be as obvious about it but the middle/lower class people go out of there way to buy to most expensive brand name stuff to prove a point. A rich white women who lives in a penthouse apartment on the upper west side might have a closet pull of designer top label clothes, but rather than having the designer name printed all over her dress or shoes the label is discreetly hidden in the back, the only way anyone would know would be by looking at the tag. Whereas your average black boy living in a small apartment with his family goes the extra mile to spend 300 on a Gucci belt (that is very obviously Gucci) or ridiculously expensive sneakers that have the brand name on them, the same goes for every other article of clothing they own (coats, jeans, tee-shirts ect.) logic would have it be the opposite way but it seems the people who are not as fortunate seem to have a point to prove. Its "cool" to have expensive stuff.

First impression seems to be all that counts, teenagers especially are judged on what they look like on the outside more than what is behind the mask. As we explored earlier tattoos and piercings have become much more widely acceptable so more people or all gender and race are marking up and putting holes in there bodies. For most races there are things considered "cool" and "not cool" but there seems to be less and less of a distinction between how different races represent them self, it all seems to be blending in with each other. Its still a question i wonder how has this idea or cool vs. uncool was created....

Everyone wants to be cool, I remember for a past HW assignment i ran across an article that said the ultimate compliment or title a teenager looks for is to be called "cool" or considered "cool" by others. Being cool seems to come hand and hand with popularity, when you have a lot of friends you "cool" but u have a lot of friends because your "cool". I think it ultimately is a chase for power, in many cases we take advantage of the people considered to be under us! Where do the ones who don't care about being "cool" and popularity come in? Why is do divided, why do some care and others don't? what is different about that ones who do care vs. the ones who could care less? I think confidence has a lot to do with it, the ones who are confident in the person they are (brains behind beauty) don't feel they need to fit the stereotypes, however the ones who try so hard (beauty before brains) are not as confident and hide behind what makes them appear cool. It would be very interesting to see how different life would be if the roles reversed.

HW 33: Cool Paper Outline

Being "Cool" seems to have become a trend and competition for teenagers, we strive to be popular, being considered "cool" by most seems to be the key. Has the idea of achieving maximum "coolness" become dangerous? what won't a teenager to do to gain that title..

What do we (or in this case what won't we not do) do to fit in?
- Drinking
- Smoking
- Drugs
- Tattoos
- Piercing
- Being influenced by the media
Why do teenagers want to be "cool": fitting and gaining popularity
Friends -- Quantity over quality

Body paragraphs:
1. Substances teens abuse:
Why are they dangerous?
What is so appealing about them?

2. Changing our physical appearance
Why do we get tattoos?
Do the have any significant meaning or do we get them just to get them?

3. Media Influence on teenagers
The desire to be just like a celebrity:
Buying the same clothes
Following their trends

Sum everything up!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HOMEWORK#32 - Tattoos & The Presentation of the Self

Why is it that this idea of altering your body become so popular? I wondered myself even though i am on of the many teenagers that morph their bodies to try and prove a point... but what is the point? I think that most people who have tattoos and piercings; at one point, thought it would make them different because the next person wouldn't have that same "exact" tattoo or they discovered some new part on their body to put a hole in that no one else would have. Speaking from personal experience i am one of the many that follow the trend, with my many percings, tattoos are soon to come!

Our culture seems to be completely divided in half between people who feel tattooing and piercing your body up is fine and acceptable and others that are strongly against it. As fanning mentioned in class today, tattoo specifically has become a lot more acceptable. When he started adding to his collection of tattoos it was very "taboo" only the convicts, sailors and punk rockers had them. Fanning seemed to be very straight up and honest as far as i could tell when he was put on the spot to answer out questions. He had meaning for some of his tattoos but a lot of them were on his arm because he wanted to fill the the blank spaces. His first tattoo when he was 17 years old was simply a way of rebelling from everyone else growing up in the small town in main where he grew up, growing up he seemed to have find a love for the talent and it took for there works of art to be created. Many of his tattoos are done in a traditional Japanese style different from how artists in the states tackle them. I found that to be very interesting, in many cases i feel that tattoos are a form of art work, he has some really beautiful work! I was suprised to hear that he did not regret getting any of them, i could tell in his case it was more of a practice he did for himself rather than to be "cool" because most of the time the are hidden.

My fascination for tattoos started when i was pretty young. My dad had been a college professor, when my dad was teaching his summer film course in London my mother and I would always move with him. I remember my first ever babysitter was one of his students, her name was Hansey, she was covered in tattoos from neck to toe. when your a young kid (6) surrounded by college students and your the professor's daughter people make a big deal about you, you feel special and everybody seems "cool". I felt like she was the "coolest" person i had even seen, at that age i had not seen very many people quite like her. I clearly remember hanging out in her dorm and along with every tattoo on her body came with its own story. We would talk for hours about what all of them meant to her. From then one i always wanted to be just like her and i knew that i wanted tattoos as well.

I have always watched probably too much TV but about 3 years ago i got hooked on a reality show called Miami Ink that i came across one day on TLC. A camera crew basically filmed inside of their shop and told followed the artists life stories, one of the artists (the only women in the shop) named Kat Von D automatically caught my attention. I think she is the only true beauty that can pull of the amazing amount of work she has on her body including her face, which is covered in stars). She was the bad-ass that just that that something about her, she became an almost role model to me. After she left the show she quickly her own spin off called LA Ink, i made sure to watch it religiously, when i was in LA i made it a priority to visit her tattoo shop and when her book came out i skipped half a day to meet her at the barns and noble near my house when she was having a book signing. I was so happily surprised to see that she was so down to earth and a complete sweet heart which made me even more obsessed. It seems to just take one person to make some look good for everyone else to follow along, she has a huge fan base and is now one of the top leading tattoo artist in the world. To me the appeal is that she plays a very strong female role, she has overcome many obstacles which makes her much more relatable. She exudes confidence which also adds to the appeal.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

EXtra Credit

How does Ivan's quest for status, advancement, prestige, and generally the approval of others endanger his chance to live a more meaningful life?

When I read the assignment i was intimidated cause i thought the reading would be harder to read than it turned out to be. I'm a very slow reader and get frustrated quickly but i was surprised that i actually enjoyed reading The Death of Ivan Tolstoy, i found it to be more interested that expected. I felt that because he was greedy and wanted to achieve so much in his life, being that his ultimate objective was to be approved by others he didn't take time to step back and see how it was effecting his ability to life a much more significant and meaningful life. It was clear that he was living life for everyone Else's satisfaction not his own, in that time all he was doing things for other people. One example that stuck out to me more than anything else was when he married wife Praskovya Fedorovna, she treated him horribly, didn't seem to show any respect. He didn't defend him self and was seen as an easy target. On pages 102-113 he writes about after his death Praskovya grieved and cried over him (but it was all an act) she just had her eyes on the prize, which was his money. While he was alive he would be "abused" by his wife anything she did not want to do was his job. For Ivan "no" was not an option he was under the control of his wife. He got caught in his own trap, he was to easy to take advantage of because he tried to make other people happy before worrying about his own well-being. Everything eventually caught up to him, when he realized how he was being treated but he seemed to almost be too late. His defense was to run away from him "family" and "friends" he slowly tried to distance himself and spent less and less time at home.

I never got the sense he was very confident in his own ability which held him back in life. He went through life with an extremely slow self-esteem which i believe lead to his depression, he has this mentality that he was not good enough for anyone. He didn't even seem to enjoy what he was doing with his life, he serve as court justice but because that was what his dad also did he felt some sort of pressure to follow in his footsteps. He did not want to be another let down and had to work that much harder because he had to compete with his brother who was the favored son.

I felt Ivan didn't do enough in his life for him and was not very true to the person he wanted to become, which ultimately prevented him from living a more meaningful life. It made it clear that he felt life was just boring and very repetitive. I can understand if you do the same thing over and over and over again you wont enjoy life, i believe life is truly what you make it and he didnt do enough. Boredom is often a cover up for depression. He did not know how to stand his ground and let the people around his change his mindset, he got so sucked in he was not even able to think for himself. His ideas and morals where not his but the peoples around him.

In a way this sort of connects to out unit on what it means to be "cool", he did things he knew were not right just because he wanted others to see him a certain way, he never though for himself. On page 105-106 Ivan did horrible things that he knew others would approve of even if he knew they were wrong, he thought his actions were acceptable and OK. All and all it seemed to be an act that he was hiding his real feeling and emotions behind.

HOMEWORK #29 Merchants of Cool

Question: Should advertising to young people be banned? Up to what age? Or all ages?

I think that advertising to young people (specifically teenagers) is a very smart and tricky trap that we all fall into. Companies and corporations make most of there money from people like us. We just worry about being cool so we will buy what we see being marketed as "the newest and coolest thing". Advertising is what seems to bring markets the most money, but i think it could be very harmful and destructive as well. At a young age we see things we want and we all become consumers at a disturbingly Young age whether we know it or not. If its not your money being spent its your parents (they buy for you what you tell them you like, you only know about it because its being advertised on one way or another).

Especially for our generation is it getting harder and harder (almost near impossible) to avoid advertisements. Because our society is taught to judge more on appearance/class and status the most we desire what we see out there that is "cool". Any teenage would rather go to school everyday sporting the latest name brand clothes than handy me downs. Advertising agency's make money off the dumbed down and ruthless consumers which is the majority of American population. Growing up children don't learn from there parents any better because it seems to be that they are just as sucked in as there kids. If you don't ever have someone telling you "no" don't do something you will never learn that its wrong.

I believe uninvolved parents are part of the reason why children see so many advertisements, from personal experience I never really remember my parents putting a limit to my television or computer time. I know they tired and talked about cutting it down probably about 20 times, it would be enforced for a day then the old routine would start up again. I can only imagine how many other American family's household was similar to mine. Although i think that parents have the ability to monitor the amount of advertisements their children see at home, i think it is almost completely out of there hand when they walk the busy streets of the outside world. Kinda makes me think if teenagers from an urban (city) style life see more advertising outside than ones from the suburbs? Are our values the same?

Some advertising is more harmful than others, the tobacco industry is a major one that comes to mind. They spend so much money on sending out the message that smoking is "cool" they endorse movie stars, organize ad campaigns and commercials that all make it look like a positive thing. Now you know they must spend a lot of money to try and make smoking look "cool".

In class the other day with our special guest speak Matt Fried young people's ultimate search to be cool is because they lacked the attention they needed growing up, they never felt very accepted as a child growing up. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted by there family most of all, if your not a hit with them i can only imagine how much harder people must work to impress the other people in their life example) their friends.

I think advertising is very dangerous but also very hard, almost impossible to avoid...