Monday, December 7, 2009

HW # 28 Informational Research...

This website seemed to be dedicated to enlightening men on how to be "cool" with the ladies. From the looks of the information on the site i assume that the audience it was targeted to is towards middle aged men who are lonely and have extremely low self esteem. What i found interesting about the site was that they made connections that were not obvious, they referred to the story of Adam and Eve, the idea that we are all a forbidden fruit. For a guy, women prove to be competition for men and that sense of wanting a women that other men want is a challenge. At the end of the day who ever can awe the women feel accomplished and feels "cool". We all want what we can't have, men want women that they know will be hard to win over... guess that's part of the thrill. How many times do we walk the street and either see women getting hit on, or are the ones getting hit on? i wonder how many of those times the men are hoping to start a life long relationship or just get with the girl, with the intention of hooking up and just having sex! All in all i think it has to do with the amount of confidence in a person, people who are confident are normally the center of attention, they just have what everyone wants which makes them "cool" by most people. if you don't care what others think that is also considered to be "cool" because then you must automatically be your own person.

According to this website being called "cool" is the "hippest" statement that a teenage can recieve... kinda sad that thats pretty much all we care about. But most teenagers would be lying if they said they didn't care what others thought of them. The same response always comes out when asked why are you "cool"? Most say because they are different, and have there own style. but how different can we all be? Everyone is influenced by some group someone else. Through out this unit that is something that has still to be answered, why do we care about being so cool? The idea does not make a whole lot of sense to me, how did this sense of the "cooler" you are the more power you have. Having friends has become more of a competition in this case, quantity is more important that quality :( the first example that comes to mind is facebook, it keeps of tracks of all your activity when your online, counting the number of friends you have. MOst of the people on you list you have met at a party once but u add them because hey thats one more "cool" point for you!

‘Cool’ chicks are in total control of her self, emotions communication and behavior in all situations. She has a great attitude, an awesome self-image, a high confidence level, great personality and is extremely emotionally mature. ‘Cool’ chicks set positive emotional tones with men that somehow creates a positive mood within the man. ‘Cool’ chicks create an atmosphere that men are totally drawn to.These ‘cool’ chicks, it’s like they are born naturals. There’s something that we can all learn from the ’cool’ chicks and it’s all about knowing and learning how to respond to men the RIGHT way. This is what men like! this website gives you how to guide to being a "cool" chick!!

Homework #27 - Informational Research - Interviews and Surveys

Stranger 1: Casey (a very strange man!)
What do you think is cool?
"I think spirituality is cool."
Who's cooler, the pope or the president?
"Obama. He's not pretentious, he's real, he's honest, and he doesn't make empty promises."
What do you think is cool about yourself?
"I'm 58 years old, and I can still play ball. I am a Surrogate Father. I lived with seven sisters, and my mom, and I was the only boy. Also, I have lived through two occasions where I was supposed to be dead. I got stabbed in September, 1973, when I was seventeen. And I survived a gun shot. I was saved because of the luck of a priest."

Stranger 2: A women working at AA (American Apparel): Arista (we tried to take a picture of her, but her boss told us we couldn't)
What do you think of as cool? Like clothes, cell phones, style, materialistic things?
"Clothes are pretty cool I guess."
What do you think is cool about yourself, if you think of yourself as cool?
"I'm all over the place, and crazy. I like myself. I'm weird cool."
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about popularity, and coolness?
"I have a whole bunch of magazines I'm always looking at to see what's in."
Who is "cool" to you?
"I watch a lot of Nickelodeon things. I think Sam from I-Carly is cool. She has her own style, she's girly but she's not really girly. She's different."
Do you spend more time now trying to be cool, or did you spend more time trying to be cool in high school?
"In high school I didn't really care what was cool. I guess I spend more time trying to be cool now."

Stranger 3: Nia (she was on the corner of PAX handing out coupons for free drinks for a new burger place that just opened)
Who do you think is cool?
"I think anyone who is original, with their own sense of style is cool. "
Who is cooler, the pope or the president?
"The pope is cooler." Really? Why? "The pope is cooler because he just chills and gets money. He could be at a strip club right now, and no one would know it."
Do people consider you to be cool? Do your friends consider you cool?
"I think my friends think I'm cool."
Do you think your friends are cool?
"No, not really. Not a lot of them."
What about your friends do you think is cool?
"We have our own inside jokes, and we understand each other."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Homework #26 - Photos and Questions

Emma (Best friend!)
Where do you go to school?
In 9th grade i was at Poly prep, but that got old really fast, the last three years i have been at beacon.
Do you like it better?
I love Beacon, when i was at Poly i felt very sheltered and trapped in an environment that i kinda forced myself to be. Private school was not for me, at beacon everyone was a lot more interesting and i did not feel like i had to put up a front. I dressed the way i liked, i immediately found a group of people that like the same things as me, it was a huge adjustment but one for the better.
What do you do for fun?
If I'm not hammered with work I am on my guitar or listening to music! You know how much music means to me. I love to go to concerts. During vacations i stay in Vermont at my other house skiing and snowboarding.

Marie (Other best friend for CT, Interview done over AIM)
Do you consider yourself to be "cool"?
Ha are these yes or no questions? or like explanation? ummm, idk I'm happy with my friends, get good grades, go out on weekends, and have alota friends so i guess, but its not like I'm concerned with being cool
What is being "cool" mean to you?
Well growing up in New York and moving to CT when i was 11 made me realize that a new yorkers version of what "cool" is, is totally different that what someone from CT considers "cool". We wait to get our cars because we are tired of our parents dropping us off and picking us up, the coolest hang out spot is the movie theater down town or the mall where we shop at overly priced name brand store like AE or Holister. When i visit you, we can take the subway anywhere there is always something to do and everyone stands out in some way or another because of their style. They just command attention because you can just tell there from New York!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Homework #25 - Story Comments and Analysis

I really enjoyed reading your short story, i got the sense that you were trying to portray a girl in high school that fit the "cool" status by acting like a bitch, she took advantage of a boy that was struck by her good looks and charm, he himself was trying to fit the "cool" status by being the lucky one to get with her. Although he was also trying to up his "cool" status he played the innocent victim who got tricked by being too nice. He was very emotional towards her and didn't play a dominant role letting her use him. I really liked your story and it stuck out to me more than the other ones because it was very relatable, we all know that trick and many of us have probably used it before for some reason or another. GOOD WORK!

Good job nice story! Its interesting how people have very different ideas of what it means to be "cool" like some of the other stories i have read your is very relatable, i think everyone has at a point in like where they felt like a loser when next to someone that exuded wealth and beauty. Although many think being rich is cool, there are many cases where overcoming a struggle is cooler why do you think that is? Btw thanks for leaving a comment on my story! :D

Good story kareem, it was very straight to the point. Sounded like the boys liked all the attention it was new feeling therefore it was exciting and easy to fall into. Sounded like the type of character to get a little too confident for his own good, if the story continued i bet he would be the one to lose all his popularity because people just got sick of him. Id this story supposed to be about you? lol do you consider your self to be "cool"?

I thought your story represented you very well. cause u like sneakers and talk about them a lot, plus you wrote in complete dialogue with one of your best friends. good job i liked it a lot. :D

Your character was in her owns ways different from the other characters i have read so far. At first she seemed intimidated to enter a new school (but who wouldn't be) but i admire her for that fact that she still was able to stay true to the person she was back in California. The fact that she was the "new girl" alone probably intrigued the students but the fact that she seemed straight up and interesting helped also. :)

While reading the stories there were overall similarities in most of them, they were either very predictable (including mine) or Cliche. Most of us associate being "cool" with popularity the more friends, the more parties, the more boys, the more gossip...To me it almost seems that we want to be talked about whether its good or bad its still attention. Many of the characters seem to enjoy keeping up with their reputation; the loser that turns cool, the rich kid, from struggle to success these were all common repeating characters each stories situation was just a little different. I am wondering how we got to the point where this is our definition of cool? what does cool matter? why do we care so much about what people think? I don't remember every being told this is what is "cool" and this is what's "not cool" and somehow i seem to be just as bad and judgemental as everyone else. weird how things work out...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homework #24 - Short story

I woke up that morning to start my senior year, not sure if i was excited or more nervous. Summer of 09 was a crazy one, maybe a little more than I bargained for. Mom and dad had been on business trips all summer leaving my brother and I home alone. I never thought i would be saying this, but i feel like we might have had a little too much freedom, partying every night having no one to tell me "no". I had already had the reputation of being the "rich girl' attending public school i stuck out a little bit, my clothes were nicer, nails always polished, i guess you could just tell. Something seemed to attract all the attention, although i liked all the attention, it was beginning to become a hard job. I was constantly the source of gossip, it felt as if i was always being followed by eyes i barley knew. I didn't know how much more or this i was willing to take.

My parents had never really been on my ass about anything, i have always been a good student so u guess they thought they had nothing to worry about. I opened up the double doors of school took a deep breath and braced myself for the year to come, it was senior year! i was supposed to be excited but something in my heart changed, i was greeted by everyone, my pack of friends automatically followed behind me offering to hold my bag while i walked the halls greeting everyone all the boys lined up in from of their lockers waiting for out cheeks to touch, I could here freshman whispering about "that girl" i guess they were talking about me. I tried to keep a smile on my face the whole time, but i was finding it harder than usual.

The first week of school everyone was exchanging stories of their crazy summer, what they did, where they went, hookups, the basics. Everyone had heard of the numerous parties that had happened at my house they were excited for what was to come. a few more weeks had gone by everyone was talking about college, i was trying to juggle my social life as well as my school work it was more important than ever to keep up all the work i had put in during my high school years, i had my college list final, i had just begun writing my essays and all of my teachers were in the process of writing recommendations letters for me.

I had to make a choice between what I knew was right and the reputation i felt i had to withhold, being cool, being popular was to what seemed like the whole world the most important thing. Why is it that the one person, me who didn't want all this fame got it. Weeks had gone by my friends seemed to be drifting away i didn't feel like the life of the party anymore, which was a good this. The only parties at my house were my brothers, all his upper east sider friends would come over, i guess they expected to see me but i spend most of my time in my room by myself. The group of friends that used to trail behind me began to dwindle down. For the first time i felt truly free, i realized that the past three years my "friends" didn't even know much about the person behind the good looks, money and partying ways. I felt a sense of disappointment from not only the people i went to school with but from all of my other friends. I finally realized that all this was not worth it. I am finally happy with the person i am because its not all an act.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HOMEWORK #23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

What does it really mean to be "cool"....
I don't think anyone can really define what it means to "be cool" or "act cool". Being considered cool is a very case specific thing, one persons "cool" might be another persons "lame". Are being popular and cool the same thing? I think the line between the two is very small. I feel that being cool depends on a persons personal interests and they are judged by the people that they surround them selves by. In school although many claim "SOF is different, and that we are all friends and there and no cliques" when you break it down maybe will come to realize everyone belongs with some "known for" group, with in those "know for" groups different things are "cool" because they all like similar things. Some pride them self's on the way they dress, just this year many of the boys are starting to wear coin purses from their belt, they are smaller than the size of an average persons palm but cost almost 200 dollars (cause they are brand name) Other like to collect sneakers, they are obsessed with keeping them fresh. People who worry about how they are dressed tend to gravitate to people who look similar, they all have one thing in common which is enough to become friends. Other kids find groups where doing extremely well in school and spend most of their time doing extra curricular activities and love to draw anime. These groups are very stereotypical and i want to make sure that my points are not taken the wrong way there are many exceptions to what i am saying but from being at SOF for 7 years this is what i have noticed.

The most popular people seem to be the loudest, everyone knows who they are. Although it might be faltering for the time being, its a hard job to accept. Because they are popular its "cool" to talk about them, gossip spreads very quickly and if something happens inside or outside the school people will talk. I believe everyone had things they are unhappy about with themselves, we all strive for perfection whether we admit it or not we admire people who are looked up to, we want to be just like them. If we see that they make something "hot" than that quickly becomes the new trend that everyone wants to follow. Celebrities play a large role in what it means to be "cool",but really it is all a trick because we try so hard to be just like them but untimely its a chase that will never be won. Its all really an illusion, tabloids new Chanel's, TV shoes constantly show these perfect people advertise you things to buy in hopes to look as good as them but the reality is we will never look like them. so why do we try? The society we live in today is so superficial that when it come down to it, cool is about looks, most of the time we will judge from how that person looks rather than what their personalities and minds has to offer.

When we are younger, fitting in is not as big a priority as it is now. Little kids just want to play with anyone they can find in their eyes everything is "cool". As I have gotten older I have come to realize that the older we get the more judgemental we become. Teenage years are particularly hard (not that i have experienced adult life) but we all care what other people think of us, many of us try to play the "I'm different" role but in the end isn't it really to be perceived as cool? Even if they don't admit it they are looking for attention and a group of followers so they can feel original. Now a days it is very hard to be perceived as an individual, if you feel piercings and tattoos is your way of self expression you automatically get associated with all the other people that have piercings and tattoos. If you shop at flee markets in downtown Brooklyn and listen to alternative music you are put into the "hipster" category. There is some sort of label and group for almost every kind of person. This leaves me thinking that there is no real definition of what it means to be "cool" i am excited to explore the meaning hopefully our class will come to some sort of conclusion.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

1ST Draft Big Paper: The digital world (ideas that will be included in the final draft) VERY UNORGANIZED!

When I think about the term "digital" many thoughts come to mine, I think; computers (facebook, myspace and AIM), cell phones, television and just about everything we come across in our everyday lives. To be honest I never questioned how the digital media effected my life, I never thought much of it and just accepted it for what it was. Every since I was little I always had some sort of new "gadget" that was the new and hot thing, 10 years ago it was the huge and heavy black and white game boys or the classic CD player. Today i can safely say we have come a long way! Just 24 hour later of being introduced to the topic in class, i was able to make a embarrassing yet very relevant connection to how the overwhelming influence of "everything digital" had directly effected my life. In Emily Birdens room Binta and I discovered it was not as easy to set a clock as we expected. I was the first to take it off the wall before i realized i did not actually know what i was doing. It took about 7 trys, 15 minutes, Ms. Cole and Emily trying to explain to us how to operate this thing, and countless laughs and looks of astonishment to set the clock to exactly 2:57. I don't remember being taught how to tell time in first grade and the only watch i ever owned was a Baby-G which was digital as well. This really made me pause and think! How is the digital world effecting our education, and how bad is it gonna get? Seems like technology is being more and more advanced every second of everyday. Most of us feel lost and just panic if they forget the cell at home or god-forbid the cable box is out! We freak because we have not been trained to adapt any differently. we wonder how people were able to survive with out any of those crucial items, but the truth is we did it and not even that many years ago (computers were just becoming a hot item on the market in the 90's, you used to be able to pick from a variety of bubble-gum colored I Macs that weighed about 50 pounds.)

On a personal note cell phones have become an obsession of mime. It goes with me EVERYWHERE, im not proud of it but i will admitt we have been through lots of hards times together and i try and take as good care of it as possible. Just a month ago it took a nasty fall in the toliet bowl (clean water... well as clean as it can be considering everything) and got stuck in the bottom for what felt like 20 minutes. My first instinct was to reach down and pull it out, so i did, after my many failed attempts it was my mom turn next. Luckily she got it out but it seemed to be completly ruined. I panicked and did everything to save it, i tried to get all the water out of the screens sticking it in a bowl of dry rice. Nothing was working and i convinved my mom after hours of harassing her that i needed a phone. 2:00 the same day i was in line paying for the same phone i already had as soon as the new phone was activated an incomnig flow of 19 new txt messages popped up in my outbox and my life seemed back to normal.

As much time as i am on the phone most of it is having multiple conversations over txt messaging or AIM conversations, not even actually being surved for its main purpose. My parents have discovered that if they ever want to get in contact with me and i am not answering my phone know to send me a txt and i respond almost everytime 5 mintues later. They don't even bother to leave voicemails cause i never check it. People have converations through screens and keyboreds cause they are places that being on the phone is not accebtable (school and office enviornments), Students can normally pull off txting through a teachers lecture of lesson but would not beable to pull off talking in front of them.

I read the excerpt written by Steven Johnson about how he feels reading is better for you then video games, but he did not completely put video games to shame. For me this brought up the idea, are reading and playing video games (screens) any different? They both instill a sense of disembodiment. When you read a book that you enjoy, your eyes become attached to the page and you get involved in the story being told, you lose your sense of self and your sense of surroundings. When we play video games we become part of the game, we are literally "in control" which makes it seem even more like real. I have never been any good at them but whenever i watch someone else play, the game seems to toy with their emotions, if they are playing a game where zombies are jumping out or they are a solider fighting in WWI they flinch or shrike, games that are more calm and relaxing just make the player look possessed. People always assume that one person spending 4 straight hours reading is more intelligent than the one who sits a just play video games.

Johnson made it clear that he did not think it was fair for people to judge people who play them or generalize the games them self. He stated that video games actually involve thinking (more than some might think). One of the last questions he asked was why are video games fun? The consumer spends a ridiculous amount of money on not only the game system itself but the games which sell on average for at least 60 bucks (this is where the companies make all their money!) To try and solve complicated puzzles that most of the time we look at cheat sheets and manuals to get to the very end of the game.

When i first started reading the book i was a little lost about what was really going on, i am not a very strong reader in fact it is one of my weaknesses so it helped to have many class discussions about it. One connection i made quite fast was how his friend had a overbearing attitude that reminded me of some of the people i go to school with. It is natural for all of us to find a group and we tend to stick together, at this age we all want to fit in and do what we think will qualify us to be accepted. we go to parties, experiment with drinking and drugs, most of us want to be dressed in the latest fashions and will drop ridiculous amounts of money to do so. We are"tend" followers... just to "fit in". From Titus especially i got the sense that his look on the ordinary life was that it was uneventful and pretty much all the same, he was looking for new things to do with his time. In our generation teenagers think the same thing, we are active creatures and having a limited amount of things to do gets boring, but i think for us it is more doing something that breaks the rules that excites us rather than finding a new museum or movie to go to.

Someone is always gonna copy someone else. No matter how different you are trying to be, your fitting someone else's stereotype, we are all followers. That idea was represented a few times in feed, one that came to mind was when Quendy wanted to fit in so badly that she got lesions all over her body because they were cool. Essentially they were open sores eatting away at her flesh. I can make two connections to that, our version of lesions are marking our bodies with tattoos that are almost impossible to remove or getting obscene body percings in places that our bodies should not have holes in. But i also think there is a deeper meaning that Anderson was trying to express that is not as obvious as other connections made, we are living in a world that is becoming less and less natural everyday. A lot of what we used to do by hand can be done with machines and technology. The natural way of life in a sense is being sucked out of us, we are losing the ability to be able to distinguish between our imagination and reality, similar to the lesions on their bodies eating away at there sucking the life out of them.

There are also a few ideas in the book that are not necessary possible yet in our generation but have been in the talks. The feed was able to design people personalities, programming them to like and dislike certain things. I have seem movies and watched shows on TV about how couples will eventually be able to monitor the gender of their baby and ultimately design the genes of their children. Not only does this relate to our digital unit but also to the unit which we covered last year about the American way of birth, on top of how unnatural most American births are (using unnecessary medicines that can negatively effect the babies) eventually we will be able to in a way "build-a-baby".

We no longer have to depend on out memory for much anymore, most everything is done on a computer or over the internet. we even have website to record our thoughts now ( this is all information that we will have access to in the future.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Your arguments are super clear and i think you have a very spot on sense of direction, sounds like you know exactly what you wanna include in you paper. However i am in the same boat as Ian and am confused by your thesis. Who is making theses expectations and what do they mean by better? Do you feel out dependence on digitalization is becoming better? From the sound of your arguments which is what i think you should base your paper on, things seem to be getting worse. My suggestion is that you switch up your thesis a little to make it flow with your arguments. Your four arguments seem to sum up the major areas of discussion talked about in class. Your evidence seems to be coming from many different sources.

Looking forward to reading the rest of your paper!

Your thesis really drew me in and the connection you made was not an obvious one but that was very original, you compared our dependence on digitalization to cattle being hereded. Almost as if we are trapped and have no choice or say in our ability to be free. Your arguments are very strong and use very unique ideas ones that we did not discuss so much in class! good work! can't wait to read the rest!


Digitization creates a complete sense of disembodiment, we have become so reliant on "everything digital" we don't know how to do things the hands on way. We have become brainwashed by large corporations and companies to keep up with the latest and greatest. the digital world is becoming bigger than us, whether that is acceptable is up for discussion and proves to be very controversial.

Argument 1:
Digital media is becoming limiting to our social interactions. (communication is less personal)
Texting, Sexting, Email, Facebook, Myspace.... addiction to the unnecessary.

Argument 2:
Technology can be deceiving, they are very unreliable and have many imperfections.
Extremely large amounts of money are spent on devices that are not perfect. Often times they are emotionally distressing and cause lots of frustration... Does it cause unhappiness that could be avoided?

Argument 3:
Become unaware of out sense of self and have lost a sense of our evniornment (what we are surrounded by)
We act like zombies

Argument 4:
With all the good there is some good, the Internet allows us to a wealth of knowledge and certain experiences that requires digitization.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HW # 15- ABCDEF 3 Treasure Hunting

I really enjoyed reading all you blog posts, your titles are always very amusing and i can tell your writing is honest, you always straight to the point, you are not afraid to say what you feel (but who should be afraid in Andys class). Home work 14 on your blog is what caught my attention most! you were able to take the most important and fascinating points out of Johnson's reading, however it would have been nice if you expanded your thought a little more. I always find when you ask the reader questions (its kinda like thinking out loud) they are more likely to think harder about that you are writing. I agree that is video games had been introduced before books, books would be considered bad. I think that the difference between books and video game will become less and less apparent, books are already becoming digitalized (amazon kendles and you can even have books read to you from you ipod). He can argue that books and video games are significantly different but how different are they really? Do you not think that they both impose a sense of disembodiment? Do you think that video games are completely worthless or can you see them being good for something? Just a few thoughts of mine that may help you to expand. Really good job on Homework assignments 10-14 good work!

I really all your posts but this one in particular i liked a lot. your thoughts were very unique and interesting. I enjoyed how you decided to talk about an arguments that you have not normally seen. I agree that TV and computers are not given enough credit for what they do provide us, the Internet is a whole other world of information, just think about what we can't find on major search engines like google... practically nothing. That can be good and bad. We have the access to very educational information but we also have access to harmful stuff as well. There is soooooo much information and instead of all being on paper its on a screen. The connection you made between our unit and the over welhming flow of information we have access to and feed was very insightful. GOOD work! and i always enjoy your sense of humor!

Homework # 14

I read the excerpt written by Steven Johnson about how he feels reading is better for you then video games, but he did not completely put video games to shame. For me this brought up the idea, are reading and playing video games (screens) any different? They both instill a sense of disembodiment. When you read a book that you enjoy, your eyes become attached to the page and you get involved in the story being told, you lose your sense of self and your sense of surroundings. When we play video games we become part of the game, we are literally "in control" which makes it seem even more like real. I have never been any good at them but whenever i watch someone else play, the game seems to toy with their emotions, if they are playing a game where zombies are jumping out or they are a solider fighting in WWI they flinch or shrike, games that are more calm and relaxing just make the player look possessed. People always assume that one person spending 4 straight hours reading is more intelligent than the one who sits a just play video games.

Johnson made some interesting points about the perks of video games, he pointed out one that was more obvious than others, we hear it a lot, video games help with our eye hand coordination. Many people who don't play games might now know as well as others but they are more challenging then we assume. Johnson made it clear that he did not think it was fair for people to judge people who play them or generalize the games them self. He stated that video games actually involve thinking (more than some might think). One of the last questions he asked was why are video games fun? The consumer spends a ridiculous amount of money on not only the game system itself but the games which sell on average for at least 60 bucks (this is where the companies make all their money!) To try and solve complicated puzzles that most of the time we look at cheat sheets and manuals to get to the very end of the game.

The second excerpt I read was also written by Steven Johnson about television. He went through a brief history of T.V shows in the 80s (some even earlier). He pointed out that back then television shows where a lot less complex, they did not require as much thinking because usually there were a limited number or characters and not nearly as many conflicts. Modern shows on T.V today are quite different, not only are there numerous characters, there is multiple dramas in each episode. They have become more of a puzzle, certain parts need to be remembered to make the connections. Although the choice of topic may seem meaningless and extremely superficial they involve some degree of thinking.

Overall i found what Johnson had to say to be very relevant and interesting, he left room for the reader to form their own opinions because his writing was very honest and he did not write from only one side.

Homework #13 - FEED B

Art is a very vague word, it can be interpreted in numerous ways and in many mediums. Artists who make art to be seen by an audience is often very significant to the creator, they create something that they think will have a positive reaction but will also be very inspirational. However some art is not as thoughtful and is just well... kinda just a painting or just a pencil drawing. Many are extremely self conscious and never want to show off their work. There is really no right answer about what art is, its a very personal thing and depends on a person to person bases. I think art is created to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences that have been significant in the creators life. I feel people who create art because they just love it, becomes the most honest in the end. I liked the quote that was given at the end of the homework assignment by Bert Brecht "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it. I interpreted the quote in this way; i felt he was saying that art does not show the reflection of the artist, it is not obvious and has to be searched for. The hammer is a strong tool that can break and ruin something very easily, possibly shattering a piece making it seem that many more ways.

Feed is not normally what i would call art but after thinking about how undefined art is, i see the book in a new light. M.T. Anderson wrote his book with an audience in mind and he had a very controversial topic to write about. The meaning has to be searched for but he sends out a bold message, our society and the people living in it are being brainwashed, he represents through conflict and characterization how our society is being taken over by the the digital world. It is an allegory, referring to our lives in this century but showing what is would have been like in the future. I am not sure if i even truly understand the book but this was the right class to take, if we wanted to take a stab at finding meaning in the book. I though M.T. Anderson was very clever in writing the book. To attract a certain audience he used similar lingo and situations that were relatable to our generation, it was clear that is was targeted to teenagers. He did a good job not only showing the effect it had on kids out age but the repeating cycle we are sucked into, the feed will never stop!

Homework #12 - FEED A

M.T. Anderson was able to make many comparisons between how the digital influence had effected out generation. He is written an allegory, some of the similarities he makes in the book are not as obvious as others.

When i first started reading the book i was a little lost about what was really going on, i am not a very strong reader in fact it is one of my weaknesses so it helped to have many class discussions about it. One connection i made quite fast was how his friend had a overbearing attitude that reminded me of some of the people i go to school with. It is natural for all of us to find a group and we tend to stick together, at this age we all want to fit in and do what we think will qualify us to be accepted. we go to parties, experiment with drinking and drugs, most of us want to be dressed in the latest fashions and will drop ridiculous amounts of money to do so. We are"tend" followers... just to "fit in". From Titus especially i got the sense that his look on the ordinary life was that it was uneventful and pretty much all the same, he was looking for new things to do with his time. In our generation teenagers think the same thing, we are active creatures and having a limited amount of things to do gets boring, but i think for us it is more doing something that breaks the rules that excites us rather than finding a new museum or movie to go to.

Someone is always gonna copy someone else. No matter how different you are trying to be, your fitting someone else's stereotype, we are all followers. That idea was represented a few times in feed, one that came to mind was when Quendy wanted to fit in so badly that she got lesions all over her body because they were cool. Essentially they were open sores eatting away at her flesh. I can make two connections to that, our version of lesions are marking our bodies with tattoos that are almost impossible to remove or getting obscene body percings in places that our bodies should not have holes in. But i also think there is a deeper meaning that Anderson was trying to express that is not as obvious as other connections made, we are living in a world that is becoming less and less natural everyday. A lot of what we used to do by hand can be done with machines and technology. The natural way of life in a sense is being sucked out of us, we are losing the ability to be able to distinguish between our imagination and reality, similar to the lesions on their bodies eating away at there sucking the life out of them.

There are also a few ideas in the book that are not necessary possible yet in our generation but have been in the talks. The feed was able to design people personalities, programming them to like and dislike certain things. I have seem movies and watched shows on TV about how couples will eventually be able to monitor the gender of their baby and ultimately design the genes of their children. Not only does this relate to our digital unit but also to the unit which we covered last year about the American way of birth, on top of how unnatural most American births are (using unnecessary medicines that can negatively effect the babies) eventually we will be able to in a way "build-a-baby".

We no longer have to depend on out memory for much anymore, most everything is done on a computer or over the internet. we even have website to record our thoughts now ( this is all information that we will have access to in the future.

HW #11 - self experiment 1

I never leave the house with out two things, my phone and my phone. The first thing i do when i walk out my house to go to school is put my headphones on full blast listening to whatever new music i downloaded from limewire the night before. I thought it would be interesting to ride the subway to school with out my ipod playing, it was surprising to me how different the experience of riding the subway felt. When i walked on to the 6 train at city hall i sat in my normal spot but instead of being emersed in my music i suddenly felt this feeling of total awareness. I found that my brain was thinking a million different thoughts, i was noticing what people where doing more and i couldn't help but just stare. It felt very uncomfortable and awkward, i did not have my security blanket (i guess i can call it that now), i was now in the world with everyone else. While my music plays i get a sense of aloneness, like i am in my own world, it gives me something to do, i have noticed that if my eyes are not on my phone or my ipod playing game i make awkward eye contact with people or go off into blank stares at the most random things. On the day that i conducted the "experiment" i happened to sit next to a young boy (about 6) and his mother who pulled out a tintin book and began reading it to him in french although i did not really understand what was going on i was looking at all the pictures over the little boys shoulder, instead of my eyes glued to a screen it was glued to pictures but i can imagine that either the boy or the mother found it annoying. Overall for me ipods are what start the day off for me right. I can go a few days without one on the subway but when i have it playing loudly in my ears is when my trips to and from school are most comfortable.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HOMEWORK #8- Triangle comments on video

I really enjoyed your video, it looked as though you almost forgot you were on camera. I was able to capture your emotion through the look on your face. When you were talking to the man in the background you had the classic "ill pertend to listen but I would rather continue doing what I'm doing." that's why when he was asking you questions you said "what?" alot. It seems that once you are sucked in to the digital world it becomes the only thing you care about.

I particularly liked the scene where you were reading a book but also had the distraction of the music playing from your ipod. That made me think more about the point that was brought up in Andy's class a few days ago. How good is reading for you? and why is it thought of as being any different from watching TV or playing a video game? when people enjoy a book it is any less distracting then TV, you still show the similar signs of being completely disembodied from anything else going on around you. People tend to use it as an excuse just to sound educated and "different" almost as if they do not follow the trend of being lazy and just sitting around in front of a screen.

Overall really good job! it seemed very honest and realistic. You did your best to show how it is in real life. Do you think it would have been any different if you had completely forgot about that the camera was rolling? Just something to think about!

good work:)

Your video mad me smile, it seemed like you were happy and enjoyed what you were doing. For me most times i find that i don't even really enjoy watching hours or TV or just randomly web surfing for hours but for some reason i do it anyways. I wonder why that is!

You did something in your video that i have not seem in very many others, your first scene was of not only you but your cousin also, It helped to see to faces (which i noticed where a little different because there was also some human interaction). Your last scene was you playing video games and listening to music, i found it interesting that when we watch TV, play video games or even just listen to an ipod we can never do just that. It is in out nature to multitask (at this very moment i am tying on my laptop and watching TV) why do you think that is? Maybe you can answer me back in your next blog.

I really liked watching your video!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW #6 Part 2 - Thoughts on the VIDEO project:

I made the video on Monday morning almost right after I woke up. I grabbed my moms Flip video recorder and took it around my house. I choose to show my dad working at his desk because he is the first person I see EVERY morning from my bedroom window, his office is at home and he is a film maker so he constantly has headphones on (in that particular shot he has his hood on because he did not wanna be on film that early) he is always either busy writing emails or editing his films on final cut pro. Most mornings when I don't have school I veg in front of the television (most of the times I watch in my parents room, they have the nice flat screen.) I normally watch for a few hours cause I guess my body has been trained not to function very well with out my TV, it is a transition from lounging in PJS to getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed and leaving for the rest of the day.

When I watched back the film I shoot I felt extremely self conscious, I felt like the look on my face when I watch a screen was almost zombie like, my mouth was open and eyes wide open to the TV screen. It seemed like nothing else around me mattered. I was clearly very immersed in what i was watching but it took me a few minutes of aimless flipping and clicking the remote around to settle on a show.

Over all I noticed one thing we may depend on the technology but boy, let me tell you, its not perfect! Uploading the video proved to be a huge problem! At first the file was too big for vimeo, so instead of going back to the final cut pro I tried all my other options. I created a youtube account but was not receiving the confirmation email to move forward. Finally I asked my mom if I could use hers but she had forgotten her password, after 20 minutes of trying the same thing over and over again it worked. I was logged in and the uploading process started. according to the screen it should take about another three hours to upload :/

HW #7 Interviews and Surveys

**Interview with 15 year old cousin (done over AIM)**
About how much time daily would you say you spend using electronics?
I spend practically my whole day on my phone, but since im in skool I try not 2 use it as much, but @ home I spend about 5 hours on my phone. Im probably on the computer for 2 hours and I spend an hour or less watching TV. When Im home I try and escape from the everyone so I listen 2 my ipod about 3 hours.

why so much time on ur phone oppose to everything else?
Because I can do a lot on my fone I can text and go on AIM 2 tlk 2 my friends, I can go on the Internet, and I can do hw on my sidekick. My life is practically on there! Last Friday I 4got my fone @ home and I felt so displaced from the world and I cudnt focus cuz all I wanted was my fone.

Is that healthy?
Its not healthy because 1st off its bad 2 b that addicted 2 anything and also the Internet and most things digital r used for entertainment, it stops you from being able 2 so nething productive. I dont think it really makes me ne smarter.

Overall is it POSITIVE or NEGATIVE?
I think it has both positive and negative effects like its good cuz u can talk 2 friends and other ppl easier and connecting w/ ppl is quicker bcuz back then 4 instance we had 2 send a letter 2 a person far away which wud take 4ever and now all we have 2 do is fire off a quick email or text. But its bad cuz it dominates all our free time and things such as gossip tends 2 spread faster cuz of it.

Could you live without your phone?
I need my fone I can't survive a week w/o my fone id probly b able 2 focus more w/o it but life wudnt b fun and id feel away from the world.

**Middled aged man I stopped to talk to who was in the middle of grocery shopping at the 14th street farmers market**
I spend most of my time reading, I own a TV but am always in another room when my wife is watching her silly shows at night. The constant sounds that come out of that box drive me nuts, there is nothing that i feel is crucial to watch, so i don't spend my time wasted by flipping thought thousands of channels. How ever I do spend a far amount of time on my computer, working and on the phone. Overall we should spend less time away from screens and digital items and more time on activities that actualy require us to use our minds and imagination.

**Interview with BEST FRIEND Binta (also done over AIM, just copied and pasted)**
How does the digital world effect your everyday life?
It affects my life profoundly, most of my conversations are held over text message, it provides you with a confidence that you normally would have to work to achieve through actually talking verbally with someone, but for some reason when you're texting or talking to someone on the phone it's so much easier to talk to also diminshes the need to do things the "old fashioned" way. if theres something i want to figure out, i wont think to look in a book to find out information about it, i'll just be like "oh, i'll google it". My phone is always by my side, so i'll find myself talking to someone and texting someone else at the same time, so it lessens the intamacy of conversations. They're also very things..they give you something to do besides what you're actaually supposed to be doing...

Do you think that effects our develpoment in social skills?
of takes away from our conversational and people skills..we're so used to talking to people through a screen that we may not seem as articulate in person.

How much time do you spend using technology?
well my phone is an all day thing so from probably 8-12. I usually spend like 3 hours on the computer daily. I dont watch that much tv, and yeahh.......

HW #2 - 25 Questions Personal/Political

1. Name: Francesca Taylor
2. Section: C3
3. Birthdate: December 8th 1992
4. Neighborhood: Tribeca
5. Favorite musicians: Kings of leon, Radiohead, The gossip, Asher Roth, Kid Cudi, Lil wayne, Moby ( too many to name but I listen to all kinds.)
6. Favorite films: Crash
7. Favorite books: Running with scissors
8. 3 students you already know and like in this section: Stephanie A, Binta B, Nora A
9. Main things you do when not at school: Hangout with my friends
10. Average daily amount of time you use for TV-IMin-/websurfing/social networking (Facebook)/videogames (in hours) – please specify hours per day for each form: of electronic stimulation.
TV- 3-4 hours
Phone - 2-3
Texting-All day
Computer - 4-5
(Consider the fact that I will be doing many of these at the same time)
11. Guardians’ names and what they do for a living or an interesting hobby:
Lynn Foss - Graphic designer
Fred Taylor - Film producer and director
12. Favorite teachers from SOF and why:
Rob- very patient and I learned a lot, I can go to him with a lot of my problems
Cricket- I was never bored in her class she was an amazing teacher
Deb- was able to keep everyone on take and everyone respected her
13. The 3 main reasons, in order of importance, that you come to school:
1st: Friends
2nd: To learn
3rd: Because I have to!
14. List 1-3 talents you have (e.g. trombone)
meeting new people
15. What’s one of the main questions you think about intellectually?
16. Your email address:
17. Your cell phone # (or home phone) 917 533 2219
18. Your guardians’ phone numbers and email addresses:
home phone: 212 227 1343
19. Are there very good reasons to avoid bothering your family unless necessary? no
20. What are your academic strengths? writing
21. What are your academic weaknesses? reading and test taking
22. Why did you sign up for this course (or if you did’t, why did you sign up for what you signed up for, and how upset are you)? I enjoyed last years class and i felt i was able to take a lot away.
23. What are a few interesting ideas you have about the digital/electronic environment of teenagers in NYC today?
Our lives are based around everything digital
We use it as a way to make situations in out daily lives less awkward
24. What are a few interesting ideas you have about the tendency of people to make masks for themselves for daily life – do you think most people are masked even to themselves?
25. What are a few interesting ideas you have about how school has shaped how you see the world?
Specifically this class has opened my eyes to think harder and deeper about obvious topics that are not paid much attention to.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW #5 Response to triangle comments

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment on it. You are very good at making the writer feel like they brought up some interesting points. You made it clear that you for the most part understood the points I was trying to make, by re-stating them in your own words. I liked how you challenged my thinking by asking me a few questions and I found your suggestion about how you would like me to talk more about "change in habits" helpful. I am not proud of the fact that I am only able to read from a digital clock but I do think it proves a point about how bad the influence of the digital world has on our lives. what is even more interesting is the fact that we do not think about it unless we are forced to. Before we started talking about this idea of "digital" I did not realize the affect it was having on me. Because we don't take the time to think and realize the negative affects we don't do anything to stop the on going trend. Thanks again for taking the time to comment my post. :)

I enjoyed reading your comments and what you had to say about what I wrote. I liked how you restated some of my ideas in your own words to let me know you understood what i was talking about. I also appreciate that you asked me some questions in hopes to further my thinking. You used a good example that i myself did not think of, which was how receiving letters is a very rare occurrence now a day. Still to this day i always ask my mom is i get any mail cause its exciting to feel kinda special for a moment, all that comes seems to be bills, bills and more bills, where as most of what i receive is via email. I really liked your idea of taking away everything "digital" from a group of people and throwing them in the woods as an experiment to see how well they adapt. My prediction based on how i think i would react would be to freak out and lose it. Thanks again for reading! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Homework #4 - Triangle comments to Ian and Jacara

You started off your thoughts with an interesting idea about how the overwhelming influence the digital age has on our lives, creates a sense of laziness. People no longer have to get up to get what they want. Your idea makes me think, at any moment we can surf the Internet, shopping online for just about anything. On a computer or television screen products are simply a totally flat image, that we can not touch or try on. so what makes them so attractive to the consumers? Its really odd when you think hard about it, one minute its simply a figure of your imagination and in the matter of a few days or weeks its comes to life and is personally delivered to your door step where it is a real tangible objects (seems almost like magic).

Further reading your homework assignment i appreciate the fact that although you can criticize how the digital age is affecting our generation (for the worse), you still admit to falling under the norm as well.

You mention that we associate "the future" with the rapid advancement of technology. I'm curious to know where that idea all started. As humans evolved in to smarter people technology advanced, thinking about it, how much good did it actually do for the human race. Is it all for nothing since the downfall seems to be happening as i write this blog entry? Why have we come so far just to end it all?

Overall I really enjoyed your entries because I was better able to expand my thoughts on the topic. You where able to clearly express most of your ideas. I know if you had continued to add on and write more, even more amazing ideas would have come up Make sure to re-read your work over for any typos (I know no one likes to proof read, as you might find typos in mine, but its always a good idea!

I see that you took the time to go back and write a second draft of your thoughts :) I really enjoyed what you had to say and you bring up a few good points that I never really thought about myself. You are able to remember experiences you have with people (actual human people) more than experiences you have with screens and digitalized personalities. The Memories that are personal to you mean more than the ones that are not.

Another interesting idea you bring up is that when humans are put in a situation where not much activity is happening, ill steal your example of sitting in a chair. Our mind tries to fight the fact that we are sitting in the chair, but it really only makes you think harder about that fact that you are in the chair, where as when you state at a screen you only notice that and nothing around you. You become alienated and almost zombie like. Although this is a really interesting point i would love to see you expand on it even more and relate it back to how it is involved with the fast paced world and the digital age. Why are our minds trained the the way they are? and do you think it has to do with the influence the media has on our everyday life?

You touch down on the good and bad points of having technology in your life, how you admit to spending hours playing games but with out screens you would not be able to do some of the things that ultimately make you smarted like communicating with people across the world.

Overall i really liked the points you brought up, next time i would double check your spelling, but then again it made it all the more original. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

In class add on to HW

On a personal note cell phones have become an obsession of mime. It goes with me EVERYWHERE, im not proud of it but i will admitt we have been through lots of hards times together and i try and take as good care of it as possible. Just a month ago it took a nasty fall in the toliet bowl (clean water... well as clean as it can be considering everything) and got stuck in the bottom for what felt like 20 minutes. My first instinct was to reach down and pull it out, so i did, after my many failed attempts it was my mom turn next. Luckily she got it out but it seemed to be completly ruined. I panicked and did everything to save it, i tried to get all the water out of the screens sticking it in a bowl of dry rice. Nothing was working and i convinved my mom after hours of harassing her that i needed a phone. 2:00 the same day i was in line paying for the same phone i already had as soon as the new phone was activated an incomnig flow of 19 new txt messages popped up in my outbox and my life seemed back to normal.

As much time as i am on the phone most of it is having multiple conversations over txt messaging or AIM conversations, not even actually being surved for its main purpose. My parents have discovered that if they ever want to get in contact with me and i am not answering my phone know to send me a txt and i respond almost everytime 5 mintues later. They don't even bother to leave voicemails cause i never check it. People have converations through screens and keyboreds cause they are places that being on the phone is not accebtable (school and office enviornments), Students can normally pull off txting through a teachers lecture of lesson but would not beable to pull off talking in front of them.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

HW assignment #3: Thoughts on the Digital world (1st blog post)

When I think about the term "digital" many thoughts come to mine, I think; computers (facebook, myspace and AIM), cell phones, television and just about everything we come across in our everyday lives. To be honest I never questioned how the digital media effected my life, I never thought much of it and just accepted it for what it was. Every since I was little I always had some sort of new "gadget" that was the new and hot thing, 10 years ago it was the huge and heavy black and white game boys or the classic CD player. Today i can safely say we have come a long way! Just 24 hour later of being introduced to the topic in class, i was able to make a embarrassing yet very relevant connection to how the overwhelming influence of "everything digital" had directly effected my life. In Emily Birdens room Binta and I discovered it was not as easy to set a clock as we expected. I was the first to take it off the wall before i realized i did not actually know what i was doing. It took about 7 trys, 15 minutes, Ms. Cole and Emily trying to explain to us how to operate this thing, and countless laughs and looks of astonishment to set the clock to exactly 2:57. I don't remember being taught how to tell time in first grade and the only watch i ever owned was a Baby-G which was digital as well. This really made me pause and think! How is the digital world effecting our education, and how bad is it gonna get? Seems like technology is being more and more advanced every second of everyday. Most of us feel lost and just panic if they forget the cell at home or god-forbid the cable box is out! We freak because we have not been trained to adapt any differently. we wonder how people were able to survive with out any of those crucial items, but the truth is we did it and not even that many years ago (computers were just becoming a hot item on the market in the 90's, you used to be able to pick from a variety of bubble-gum colored I Macs that weighed about 50 pounds.)